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snorkelady | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Plants that are colourful. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Plants that are colourful.

These plants take on special hues as the days grow shorter. There are several perennials that flower magnificently.Click on the image to enlarge it.
Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon
Eastern Redbud Forest Pansy
Eastern Redbud Forest Pansy
The Pond at Gairloch Gardens
The Pond at Gairloch Gardens
Autumn Joy Sedum
Autumn Joy Sedum
Bugbane - Black Negligee
Bugbane - Black Negligee
Witch Hazel
Witch Hazel
Cutleaf Japanese Maple
Cutleaf Japanese Maple
Breath taking colours
Breath taking colours
Just beginning to change colour
Just beginning to change colour
Magnificent Burning Bush
Magnificent Burning Bush
Sugar Maple
Sugar Maple
Especially for the birds!
Especially for the birds!
Birds love these shrubs
Birds love these shrubs
Martha Washington's Plume
Martha Washington's Plume
Canadian Hemlock - 2002
Canadian Hemlock - 2002
Witch Hazel - 2002
Witch Hazel - 2002