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Bonaire 2014 - snorkeling and birding

We joined our friends and returned to this beautiful island after being away for 5 years.
There have been a lot of changes since then.
The fish are plentiful but the coral is scarce.
Even though we travel to Bonaire to snorkel from the shore, we also love exploring the island and continue to enjoy the flora, fauna & scenery.
Reddish Egret - white Morph
Reddish Egret - white Morph
Red Flame tree attracts a variety of birds during the months of Feb & March
Red Flame tree attracts a variety of birds during the months of Feb & March
A Yellow-shouldered Parrot - endangered
A Yellow-shouldered Parrot - endangered
The resident Iguana
The resident Iguana
Venezuelan Troupial
Venezuelan Troupial
A Yellow Warbler  (variant - brown cap) - male . It does not migrate but breeds on all 3 of the ABC islands
A Yellow Warbler (variant - brown cap) - male . It does not migrate but breeds on all 3 of the ABC islands
Mangos for parrots!
Mangos for parrots!
At Karpata, an old  plantation
At Karpata, an old plantation
Reddish Egret - white Morph
Reddish Egret - white Morph
The manzaneel tree ..... is like our poison ivy!
The manzaneel tree ..... is like our poison ivy!
The remnants of Karpata
The remnants of Karpata
The Ironwood tree at Karpata. Some mourn the indiscriminate destruction of native trees and shrubs
The Ironwood tree at Karpata. Some mourn the indiscriminate destruction of native trees and shrubs
The wall at Sand Dollar Condos
The wall at Sand Dollar Condos
The Bananaquit
The Bananaquit
Tricoloured Heron
Tricoloured Heron
Goats are all over the island
Goats are all over the island
During storms dead coral from the sea is deposited over the roads making them impassable . Can you see the termite's nest?
During storms dead coral from the sea is deposited over the roads making them impassable . Can you see the termite's nest?
Not sure what this is, other than 'pretty'
Not sure what this is, other than 'pretty'
The shoreline at Sand Dollar Condos
The shoreline at Sand Dollar Condos
A neat little village that has a restaurant called Rose Inn & is known for goat Stew
A neat little village that has a restaurant called "Rose Inn" & is known for "goat Stew"
g9/29/471129/3/154338467.FWzafWZj.jpg Manzaneel berries
Manzaneel berries
Yellow-shouldered Parrot
Yellow-shouldered Parrot
Reddish Egret - white Morph
Reddish Egret - white Morph
Greater Flamingos
Greater Flamingos
The view from Sand Dollar Condos
The view from Sand Dollar Condos
The dock next to Sand Dollar condos
The dock next to Sand Dollar condos
Trees that the parrots love.
Trees that the parrots love.
Jerry knew where the parrots in the neighbourhood could be found
Jerry knew where the parrots in the neighbourhood could be found
Pearly-eyed Thrasher
Pearly-eyed Thrasher
Another famous source of food for the parrots
Another famous source of food for the parrots
Yellow Oriole
Yellow Oriole
Yellow-shouldered Parrots
Yellow-shouldered Parrots