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snorkelady | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Dagobah >> The Birds at Dagobah >> Spring Birds >> Birds that have nested here tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds that have nested here

This folder contains a list of birds seen on the property, with the understanding that we are not expert birders. The red checkmark beside the name indicates that these birds usually nest on the property. The composition of the marsh changed in the 14 years that we had the property and so did the variety of nesting birds. The spring and summer folders contain photos of birds that nested on the property.
Dagobah birds p1
Dagobah birds p1
Dagobah birds p2
Dagobah birds p2
Dagobah birds p3
Dagobah birds p3
Dagobah birds p4
Dagobah birds p4
Eastern kingbird on a nest in the northern part of the marsh - it was unsuccessful
Eastern kingbird on a nest in the northern part of the marsh - it was unsuccessful