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snorkelady | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Punta Cana Dominican Republic 2007 / 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Punta Cana Dominican Republic 2007 / 2008

Our first visit to this beautiful island. We attended a wedding there and stayed at the Majestic Colonial Resort.
Untouched beauty, soon to be developed
Untouched beauty, soon to be developed
Hispanolian Parrot
Hispanolian Parrot
Grooved-bill Ani
Grooved-bill Ani
Hispanolian Parrot - threatened species due to loss of habitat
Hispanolian Parrot - threatened species due to loss of habitat
Underbelly of H. Parrot - red and blue
Underbelly of H. Parrot - red and blue
Hispanolian Parrot camoflagued
Hispanolian Parrot camoflagued
Hispanolian Woodpecker
Hispanolian Woodpecker
Hispanolian Woodpecker
Hispanolian Woodpecker
Mocking bird
Mocking bird
Lush vegetation
Lush vegetation
A type of orchid? growing up high on a tree
A type of orchid? growing up high on a tree
Coconut washed ashore (stowaways intact)
Coconut washed ashore (stowaways intact)
Passion Flower and fruit in the jungle
Passion Flower and fruit in the jungle
Palm trees
Palm trees
The day after the storm
The day after the storm
A pretty weed - similar to a morning glory
A pretty weed - similar to a morning glory
Noni fruit
Noni fruit
Tropical flowers (Ixora coccinea) line the numerous walkways
Tropical flowers (Ixora coccinea) line the numerous walkways
The hedges
The hedges
Abundance of lounge chairs, palapases & palm trees
Abundance of lounge chairs, palapases & palm trees
The Spa
The Spa
Hedges & gardens in front of rooms
Hedges & gardens in front of rooms
Beautiful day with breezy winds kept us cool
Beautiful day with breezy winds kept us cool
Magnificent frigate after the storm
Magnificent frigate after the storm
Magnificent frigates
Magnificent frigates
Wedding on the beach?
Wedding on the beach?
Conservation effort
Conservation effort
The grounds
The grounds
The new building next door
The new building next door
The Ocean Front Rooms
The Ocean Front Rooms
Amazing colours in the sky
Amazing colours in the sky
Blowing in the wind
Blowing in the wind
Rainbow after the rains
Rainbow after the rains
View from the beach bar
View from the beach bar
Artistic endeavours
Artistic endeavours