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Sergey Green | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 17-Sep-2016 20:19
mother I try to reach you for the last 10 years Michael from minsk we spent 1986 1987 in your flat
my email
Guest 05-Mar-2016 22:35
I can see that you have an intimate connection with the subject matter that motivates the photo being taken. Life is like that. Good luck.

samikosemi19-May-2013 17:56
Hi my friend !
You done a very good job here !
You are one of my fevorites now ...
Fritz Tritthart 30-Sep-2012 17:16
Hello Sergey, your Picture with (now) my 8mm Walimex is great ! Your pictures are phantastic !
Guest 31-Jul-2012 19:12
Love your pictures - a tiny look into the soul.
Elizabeth S.
andi vax 28-Dec-2011 20:37
hola, Sergey!
i've checked your photos and i wonder where you post edit it?
adobe photoshop or something?
your photos looks very cool in terms of color (contrast). very "juicy" )))
please tell me your secret )))
Parag Kashelkar 19-Jun-2011 12:45
Sergey, You are an inspiration for many like me. After seeing your photos, I have bought NIKON D7000 and some fast 1.8f and 2.8f lenses.
You make the places alive in your photos. I feel like going to all those places again.
You are too good. You will have lots of great photos if you come to my country India. I will be glad to welcome you in Mumbai. India is magical.
C. Johansson15-May-2007 21:29
A great collection of captures, well done!
Oly Olson01-May-2007 23:18
Wonderful stuff. Very well done!
