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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> COLOR AND COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY >> MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY >> Macro-Impressions 3 > The Golden Universe
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©2014 By Tomasz Dziubinski

The Golden Universe

Warsaw, Poland

You can find my other Macro galleries here: MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY

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Nikon D800 ,Nikkor 200mm f/4D ED-IF AF Micro ,+TC-201 teleconverter
1/250s f/16.0 at 400.0mm iso560 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
joseantonio22-Jun-2020 15:33
looks so lovely.Welldone.V
harveywall16-Aug-2014 18:08
Buz Kiefer15-Jun-2014 18:31
Lovely. Vote.
Stephanie15-Jun-2014 11:54
A beautiful and sunny image! v
Marcia Colelli15-Jun-2014 11:30
Wonderful title and great close up composition V
Helen Betts14-Jun-2014 17:16
Perfectly titled and beautifully captured, Tomasz. V.
Tom Munson14-Jun-2014 16:12
Beautiful work.
Guest 14-Jun-2014 14:08
The Midas touch, golden loveliness. V
Milan Vogrin14-Jun-2014 13:00
Very nice macro!V!
Jeff Real14-Jun-2014 12:54
A wondrous beauty ~V~
Jim Coffman14-Jun-2014 12:31
A beautiful standout image!!
MarcViskens14-Jun-2014 12:21
excellent macrowork Tomasz
very pretty colours