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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> About Tomasz Dziubinski >> Awards and Honours >> International Photography Awards - IPA 2012 >> RED ROCK CANYON > Red Rock Canyon
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©2012 By Tomasz Dziubinski

Red Rock Canyon

Red Rock Canyon, Nevada

International Photography Awards - IPA 2012
2nd place in Book(Self-published) - Nature category

Nikon D3 ,Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/25 ZF
1/100s f/11.0 at 25.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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CM Kwan09-Sep-2012 11:35
The details and tones are impressive! V
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography09-Sep-2012 09:37
no,scisniete,bw,asymetria w kompozycji,w moim guscie,Nasze?własne? ,gratuluję,v
Guest 09-Sep-2012 02:41
Loe the composition. And the contrast between the very sharp rocks and the clouds. Also, very dynamic. Great B&W -V-
Walter Otto Koenig08-Sep-2012 21:46
Superb tones and textures. Congratulations. "V"
Johnny JAG08-Sep-2012 20:53
Great moody landscape
fotabug08-Sep-2012 19:35
Wonderful B&W! V
Jim Coffman08-Sep-2012 19:25
Wow,very nice!
zyziza08-Sep-2012 18:30
Very fine work! v
William Barletta08-Sep-2012 18:06
A spectacular image of nature ~V~
Ann...08-Sep-2012 17:55
Many congratulations! This is a superb image.
Nancy Good08-Sep-2012 17:50
Wonderful! Big Vote and Congrats!! :-)