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©2011 By Tomasz Dziubinski

Warsaw, Poland

Nikon D7000 ,Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED AF-S Micro
1/160s f/3.5 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme19-Jul-2011 21:41
Gorgeous colours, Tomasz.Vote
CM Kwan02-Jul-2011 10:12
Love the brilliant colours, Tomasz! V
Sam_C02-Jul-2011 07:45
Superb. V++
Blandine Mangin02-Jul-2011 06:58
very beautiful close-up ! v
René Gysi02-Jul-2011 06:51
Beautiful macro work! V
Paco López02-Jul-2011 04:54
Superb! V!
Gerard Koehl02-Jul-2011 04:34
Magnifique... V
Guest 02-Jul-2011 02:04
Beautiful work. V.