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Steve Martin | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Mexico 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

New Mexico 2012

Referring to New Mexico as "The Land Of Enchantment" is not hyperbole, it's truth in advertising.
g4/53/32253/3/142400865.JSW5WGa3.jpg g4/53/32253/3/142401094.VFlkav4K.jpg VLA
g4/53/32253/3/142466186.TPorZF45.jpg along The Turquoise Trail
along The Turquoise Trail
g4/53/32253/3/142393563.XDhhqiDN.jpg Statuary next to The St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe
Statuary next to The St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe
St. Francis
St. Francis
St. Francis Cathedral - Santa Fe
St. Francis Cathedral - Santa Fe
interior of The Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe
interior of The Loretto Chapel - Santa Fe
The Miraculous Staircase
The "Miraculous Staircase"
Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo
by the the road to Tent Rocks
by the the road to Tent Rocks
Tent Rocks - near Santa Fe
Tent Rocks - near Santa Fe
Tent Rocks - near Santa Fe
Tent Rocks - near Santa Fe
Plaza Blanca - Abiquiu
Plaza Blanca - Abiquiu
Bandalier National Monument
Bandalier National Monument
Bandalier National Monument
Bandalier National Monument
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