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Stewart Mitchell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aberdeen Art Centre Exhibition > Milarrochy Tree
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05-Oct-2012 Stewart Mitchell

Milarrochy Tree

Loch Lomond, Scotland

Beams of light escape through a hole in the clouds and illuminate the village of Luss on the west bank of the loch....just as the squall dropped its contents on me on the east bank!!
View the collection of Black and White images in my Loch Lomond Squared Gallery *here*

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Earthly Light Photography

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Gian Piero Presazzi03-Apr-2016 13:29
danad17-Oct-2012 08:57
A great composition with this beautiful landscape enchanted by this cast of light. V.
J. Scott Coile08-Oct-2012 17:40
Magnificent ray of light.
tinkerb07-Oct-2012 19:50
Brilliant capture of that shaft of light and the composition is excellent. Great mood. V
Pete Hemington07-Oct-2012 09:21
A super light moment and well worth the soaking, but that's easy for me to say!
McGarva07-Oct-2012 06:57
Wonderful shaft of light .... Superbly exposed and captured ....beautiful! :)
Gill Kopy07-Oct-2012 00:35
Quite surreal - wonderful shot V
Anitta06-Oct-2012 19:25
Outstanding work, such beautiful image! V+++
Johnny JAG06-Oct-2012 18:29
Fabulous composition and crop
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