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Dennis Hoyne | all galleries >> The Animals >> Dogs,gallery > Magpie
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28-Mar-2024 Dennis Hoyne


Looking out over my balcony. It seems I need to clean off some nose prints on the inside. The out side of the door will be cleaned
when the weather warms up.

FujiFilm X-T30
1/500s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fong Lam29-Mar-2024 05:11
Love her fabulous pose and she looks very attentive....wonderful shot! V
Bryan Murahashi29-Mar-2024 04:06
Great alert pose. Keeping an eye on the squirrels.
LynnH29-Mar-2024 00:52
On alert! Love the pose. V
Don Mottershead28-Mar-2024 22:16
What a beautiful girl. Great light.
Apostolos Tikopoulos28-Mar-2024 20:01
Beautiful light and pose. V
Allan Jay28-Mar-2024 17:26
He’s beautiful!
Nick Paoni28-Mar-2024 15:53
She looks so regal in that pose. I wish I could know what she is thinking.
globalgadabout28-Mar-2024 15:34
relaxed yet totally tuned in...that's a crisp and impressive image..
Dan Greenberg28-Mar-2024 14:50
She looks positively regal. Great shot of her too, Dennis with tons of sharp detail and perfect color. ~BV~
Alain Boussac28-Mar-2024 14:18
Her attitude is of a noble elegance and the image is superb. V.
janescottcumming28-Mar-2024 14:14
She looks like a statue, how beautiful!
Helen Betts28-Mar-2024 14:08
That looks like a very alert Magpie!
joseantonio28-Mar-2024 14:06
an elegant pose for this lovely capture.V