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Simon Poon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> China tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


China has the world's oldest continuous civilization. Its record began 4,000 years ago, with the Shang dynasty. (Ultimate Pocket Book of the World Atlas & Factfile, Dorling Kindersley, 1996)

This long-lasting civilization and geographical location led to the uniqueness of Chinese language and culture and also made China relatively closed and isolated from other nations. Starting from 1980's, Deng Xiaoping brought economic revolution to China. Its effects are tremendous. The economic growth of the cities along Pacific Rim is under explosion. Thus, you will find China is a mixture of the old and the new when you travel there. In this gallery, I have posted some photos taken from my trips. Hope these photos can give you a glimpse of China.

gallery: Beijing
gallery: Yunnan
gallery: Hangzhou
gallery: Suzhou
gallery: Shanghai
gallery: Nanjing
gallery: Guangzhou