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Sue Yim | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> White River Camping @ Mt. Rainier tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

White River Camping @ Mt. Rainier

I squeezed in a quick, one-day car-camping trip at the White River Campground at Mt Rainier (on the east side), by meeting friends who were there all weekend. While there, I did two hikes--the first one on the newly rebuilt Glacier Basin Trail (which was destroyed during the 2006 flooding) and a day-hike to the Upper Palisades Lakes (off of Sunrise Point). The Palisades trail winds past half a dozen lakes, some big, some small, but ends in a beautiful alpine meadow behind the Palisades. To my delight, there were still quite a few wildflowers to see. Here are the pictures from my baby Lumix camera.
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White River Camp view
White River Camp view
Glacier Basin Trail
Glacier Basin Trail
Palisades meadow
Palisades meadow
Palisades closeup
Palisades closeup
Sunrise Lake
Sunrise Lake
Palisades trail
Palisades trail
Shades of Green
Shades of Green
Lily art
Lily art
Dick's Camp Lake
Dick's Camp Lake
Martha & Friends
Martha & Friends
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