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Sue Yim | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Meet Me in St. Louis tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Meet Me in St. Louis

I took advantage of a free weekend in St Louis during a recent business trip to be a tourist for a change... I visited the St. Louis Zoo and St. Louis Art Museum in Forest Park (scene of the 1904 World's Fair), and the St. Louis arch, Old Courthouse & Sculpture Park on the riverfront. The dreary overcast & drizzle made me feel like I was home in Seattle, however all three venues were free to the public! (How cool is that for a major city?) Here are my tourist pictures using my baby Lumix camera.
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Running Man, Courthouse & Arch
Running Man, Courthouse & Arch
Arch & lagoon
Arch & lagoon
STL Arch1
STL Arch1
Underneath looking up
Underneath looking up
Arch Founding Fathers
Arch Founding Fathers
Large Louisiana Purchase
Large Louisiana Purchase
Cardinal History
Cardinal History
Old Courthouse & Downtown Skyline
Old Courthouse & Downtown Skyline
Old Courthouse
Old Courthouse
STL Arch2
STL Arch2
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