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Sue Yim | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Japanese Gardens Ablaze tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Japanese Gardens Ablaze

What could be more spectacular than autumn in a Japanese garden? Two Japanese gardens, to be exact. Bill & I visited both Kubota Gardens in Rainier Valley and the Japanese Garden in the Washington arboretum in all their October glory. At Kubota Gardens, I stuck with shooting telephoto (70-200mm) focusing on fine detail & color. I was doing well until we got to the arboretum, because the combinations fall maples demanded a much wider angle--so I switched to my 24-105mm.
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Maple reflections2
Maple reflections2
Blue Hydrangea
Blue Hydrangea
Orange Berry
Orange Berry
Zen leaf
Zen leaf
Misty leaves
Misty leaves
Blushing misty leaves
Blushing misty leaves
False Bamboo
False Bamboo
Red Berries
Red Berries
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