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Sue Yim | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer in Crescent Bar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Summer in Crescent Bar

With the river closed due to much needed dam repair, Crescent Bar in the summer of 2014 was a ghost town. We took Bill's RV out to explore the area, including Dry Falls State Park (largest ancient waterfall of it's kind), Ancient Lakes (picturesque hike), and the local winery.
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Dry Falls1
Dry Falls1
Dry Falls2
Dry Falls2
Dry Falls Hike
Dry Falls Hike
Rock Remnants
Rock Remnants
Mountain pass
Mountain pass
Elusive Orchid in the middle of nowhere
Elusive Orchid in the middle of nowhere
Hidden Ancient Lakes
Hidden Ancient Lakes
Hillside winery
Hillside winery
White grapes
White grapes
White grapes2
White grapes2
Chess anyone?
Chess anyone?
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