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Sue Yim | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Austin City Limits tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Austin City Limits

Austin has a little of everying...not to big, not too small. It has grand Capitol buildings, upscale hotels, a million & a half bats, quiet botanical gardens and music & libations galore....just a fun town in general. I was most impressed with the State Capitol building; the size & grandeur is hard to beat. It was almost too big for my wide-angle lens!
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Capitol Eye
Capitol "Eye"
Grand Entrance
Grand Entrance
Justice, Texas-style
Justice, Texas-style
Rough rider
Rough rider
Hinges (in case you forget where you are)
Hinges (in case you forget where you are)
Eye vertical
"Eye" vertical
Eye centered
"Eye" centered
6-flags floor
6-flags floor
Senate chambers
Senate chambers
Grand rotunda
Grand rotunda
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