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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Sylvia's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sylvia's Gallery

Barry and Sylvia Byrnes (Kalbfleisch) donated these pictures.
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Eddie Kalbfleisch and the car
Eddie Kalbfleisch and the car
Picture was taken in 1991, Liz is a world class athlete, and she competed in the Olympics for Puerto Rico.  We are proud of you Liz!!
Liz on Balance beam.

Picture was taken in 1991, Liz is a world class athlete, and she competed in the Olympics for Puerto Rico. We are proud of you Liz!!

Liz Byrnes , July 2001
Liz Byrnes , July 2001
Lorie's bridal shower
Lorie's bridal shower
Sylvia Milan
Sylvia Milan
Coming to a PC near you, this CD contains most of the pictures on this site along with some great Doo Wop music.  This is a screenshot of the Home Page.  You can just hear the Jesters singing in the background. Great Job Matthew!!!
Matthews CD, (Barry and Sylvia's son)

Coming to a PC near you, this CD contains most of the pictures on this site along with some great Doo Wop music. This is a screenshot of the "Home Page". You can just hear the Jesters singing in the background. Great Job Matthew!!!

Liz on bottom, L-R, Matthew (the CD man), Bart(oldest) and Tim.
The Byrnes kids

Liz on bottom, L-R, Matthew (the CD man), Bart(oldest) and Tim.

Mother is Hilda, twins Carol and Beverley, Boys Manny and Jacky, twins Leonard and Marion.  Thanks to Merrele for names.
The Byalick family

Mother is Hilda, twins Carol and Beverley, Boys Manny and Jacky, twins Leonard and Marion. Thanks to Merrele for names.

Mom is Hilda, twin daughters Beverly and Carol, Boys Jacky and Manny and twins Leonard and Marion.  Thanks to Merrele Wanly for the names.
Closeup of Byalick family

Mom is Hilda, twin daughters Beverly and Carol, Boys Jacky and Manny and twins Leonard and Marion. Thanks to Merrele Wanly for the names.

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