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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Recent Galleries 2001-present >> recent_2003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
40 year reunion took place at Hunter College.
Margie (Holly) Walsh and Mickey Romero

40 year reunion took place at Hunter College.

Margie and Bob Walsh
Margie and Bob Walsh
Bob and Margie
Bob and Margie
Butch & Pat
Butch & Pat
Joe & Pat Talking to Julio
Joe & Pat Talking to Julio
That sunflower is over 7 feet tall!!
Joe's Disguise

That sunflower is over 7 feet tall!!

Mary, Dexter, Joe, Pat and Butch #1
Mary, Dexter, Joe, Pat and Butch #1
Mary, Dexter, Joe, Pat and Butch (#2)
Mary, Dexter, Joe, Pat and Butch (#2)
Same Height
Same Height
The Truth
The Truth
Pat and the corn
Pat and the corn
Pat tilling the earth
Pat tilling the earth
I was on the phone and insisted on being in the picture.  Listen carefully and hear mr. skelzie.
on the phone

I was on the phone and insisted on being in the picture. Listen carefully and hear mr. skelzie.

For everything else there's Skelzie!!

For everything else there's Skelzie!!