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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Ray's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ray's Gallery

Rafael Maldonado contributed these pictures
Angie Cruz, her mother taught at St. Pauls, Ray, Frankie hiding, ?(girl in center), Carmen, Jenny Millan, Louis Millan, jenny's brother up front.
Group 1

Angie Cruz, her mother taught at St. Pauls, Ray, Frankie hiding, ?(girl in center), Carmen, Jenny Millan, Louis Millan, jenny's brother up front.

Fellow on left, last name Maldonado, not related to Ray.
?-Carmen, Ray and Robert Rivera

Fellow on left, last name Maldonado, not related to Ray.

Look at this group!, from Left, Charlie, Dudley, George, Bushy, Jerry, Charlie, Keith,boy below Charlie is brother Alton
Group 2

Look at this group!, from Left, Charlie, Dudley, George, Bushy, Jerry, Charlie, Keith,boy below Charlie is brother Alton

Ray & Lillian Piro, Lillian's mother is Rose.
Ray & Lillian Piro, Lillian's mother is Rose.
Charlie, Bushy, Donald Weiner, father owned pharmacy on 72nd street, and Ray.  Go to the restoration gallery and see what the original looked like.
Pic 4 restored

Charlie, Bushy, Donald Weiner, father owned pharmacy on 72nd street, and Ray. Go to the restoration gallery and see what the original looked like.

Nice skirt Jenny!
Ray & Jenny

Nice skirt Jenny!

Ray and Lucky - New York's Finest
Ray and Lucky - New York's Finest
Ray and old car
Ray and old car
You can see Ray and George Hopkins in front.  That's Charlie Smith on the left sitting in first chair.
YMCA Swim Team

You can see Ray and George Hopkins in front. That's Charlie Smith on the left sitting in first chair.