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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Mickey's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mickey's Gallery

Pictures sent in my Migdalia (Mickey) Romero.
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A little cheesecake
A little cheesecake
Betty Bregenzer and Mickey
Betty Bregenzer and Mickey
Margaret Borges, Fr Leblanc and Margie Holly
Margaret Borges, Fr Leblanc and Margie Holly
Francis Rivera
Francis Rivera
Francis, Mario, Kathy Kiernan
Francis, Mario, Kathy Kiernan
Francis, Jimmy and Mario
Francis, Jimmy and Mario
Cathedral H.S.
Migdalia Romero 1960

Cathedral H.S.

Mickey kisses Bobby Barto DIll, and that's Eddie Ballard (deceased) smiling behind her.

Mickey kisses Bobby Barto DIll, and that's Eddie Ballard (deceased) smiling behind her.

Migdalia Romero CCNY 1965
Migdalia Romero CCNY 1965
Mickey writes:   I was dressed by the nuns, as were hundreds of other high school kids representing various parishes throughout the city.
Mickey on right

Mickey writes: "I was dressed by the nuns, as were hundreds of other high school kids representing various parishes throughout the city."

Mickey,  Margaret Borges, Margie Holly
Mickey, Margaret Borges, Margie Holly
Mickey and Margie Borges
Mickey and Margie Borges
Rosa and Mickey
Rosa and Mickey
Mickey is dancing with Michael Holly, his sister Margie is to the left.
Sweet Sixteen

Mickey is dancing with Michael Holly, his sister Margie is to the left.

I see Jim Rivera on left side,that girl wearing the crown might be Myrna Zapata and the fellow next to her 
is Chimo(Robert)... he was Jocko Fatjo's friend.
Sweet Sixteen 2

I see Jim Rivera on left side,that girl wearing the crown might be Myrna Zapata and the fellow next to her
is Chimo(Robert)... he was Jocko Fatjo's friend.

MIckey and Domingo?
MIckey and Domingo?
Tango Anyone? You can see a recent picture of Mickey on the reunion Boat Ride Gallery
Mickey in 1999

Tango Anyone? You can see a recent picture of Mickey on the reunion Boat Ride Gallery

Article about Mickey
Article about Mickey
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