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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Merrele's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Merrele's Gallery

These came from Jack and Merrele Wanly (Early)
Cesar, Aida, Merrele and Mary Arroyo
group at park

Cesar, Aida, Merrele and Mary Arroyo

Sylvia, Brunilda and Margie
Ski Trip colorized

Sylvia, Brunilda and Margie

These are friends of mine from Fordham, from left Gianni Magnani, Pat Ciliberti, Me in my Fordham sweatshirt, Andy Kirby, deceased.  The trip they came to was at Anthony Wayne.
GANG at Anthony Wayne

These are friends of mine from Fordham, from left Gianni Magnani, Pat Ciliberti, Me in my Fordham sweatshirt, Andy Kirby, deceased. The trip they came to was at Anthony Wayne.

On a fence in Central Park
Sylvia colorized

On a fence in Central Park

Lincoln Center
Lincoln Center
Bonnie-Sylvia color
Bonnie-Sylvia color