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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Fr. LeBlanc's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fr. LeBlanc's Gallery

Pictures submitted by Father George LeBlanc.
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Daisy Pisani, George and ??
Daisy Pisani, George and ??
Left side: Rodney Early, Danny Ingellis, Patrick Mann, ? Right side: Billy Dugan, Richard Radzik and Bonnie Radzik.
Group at church

Left side: Rodney Early, Danny Ingellis, Patrick Mann, ? Right side: Billy Dugan, Richard Radzik and Bonnie Radzik.

Fr. LeBlanc with  Billy Dugan, Richard Radzik hidden,to Billy's right, Rodney Early, back to camera, Danny Ingellis, far left.
Youth Group circa 1961

Fr. LeBlanc with Billy Dugan, Richard Radzik hidden,to Billy's right, Rodney Early, back to camera, Danny Ingellis, far left.

I see Richard Radzik on the right, and the top of my (Julio's) head, way in the back and Patrick Mann's head to the left of me.
Basement group

I see Richard Radzik on the right, and the top of my (Julio's) head, way in the back and Patrick Mann's head to the left of me.

There you go Pat, we made it to Fr. LeBlanc's Gallery!!!
Pat and Julio in the last row.

There you go Pat, we made it to Fr. LeBlanc's Gallery!!!

Father Charlie Palms, CSP, and Mary Arroyo (vice president of Hecker Club). Father Palms is now married and living in Brooklyn.
Father Charlie Palms, CSP, and Mary Arroyo (vice president of Hecker Club). Father Palms is now married and living in Brooklyn.
Father Charlie Palms and Mary Arroyo
Father Charlie Palms and Mary Arroyo
You can see a 30th Anniversary picture of Mike and Taffy in Pat's Gallery
Taffy and Mike Henriquez 1972

You can see a 30th Anniversary picture of Mike and Taffy in Pat's Gallery

Bonnie remembers Rudy Moro as a disk jockey who came to the Hecker Club while she was a member.  Could this be him?
record hop

Bonnie remembers Rudy Moro as a disk jockey who came to the Hecker Club while she was a member. Could this be him?

Communion breakfast:  Daisy Pisani (friend from Boston) and ???
Communion breakfast: Daisy Pisani (friend from Boston) and ???
The woman standing with the green sweater is Taffy's mom, Mrs. Donahue (per Pat Miller)
Communion Breakfast

The woman standing with the green sweater is Taffy's mom, Mrs. Donahue (per Pat Miller)

unknown couple married by George in 1960
unknown couple married by George in 1960
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