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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> The Donaghy Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Donaghy Gallery

Pictures submitted by the Donaghy Family
St. Paul (left side)
St. Paul (left side)
St. Paul (right side)
St. Paul (right side)
St. Paul, Class of 1957
St. Paul, Class of 1957
Cosmo DiPiero
Cosmo DiPiero
D'Agostino, Ciaccio, Dill
D'Agostino, Ciaccio, Dill
Dudley Thomas (deceased)
Dudley Thomas (deceased)
James Gatti
James Gatti
Julio Rodriguez
Julio Rodriguez
Patrick Mann
Patrick Mann
Rene and Shedrick Mann
Rene and Shedrick Mann
Theodore Strack and Joe
Theodore Strack and Joe
Queen Janet
Queen Janet
Joe Donaghy and Vito, 1955 in Bayville
Joe Donaghy and Vito, 1955 in Bayville