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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Aida's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Aida's Gallery

These images were contributed by Aida and Cesar Espinoza.
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Pat Mann in back, L-R: George Lamont, Danny English, Frankie Acosta, in front , Louis Gonzalez in back with hat, Issy Patapis, Joe Donaghy
Beer group

Pat Mann in back, L-R: George Lamont, Danny English, Frankie Acosta, in front , Louis Gonzalez in back with hat, Issy Patapis, Joe Donaghy

Cesar and Roy in park
Cesar and Roy in park
Danny English
Danny English
Doria, Aida and Gloria
Doria, Aida and Gloria
Sylvia, Lorie, Merrele, Brunilda
Dressed to kill

Sylvia, Lorie, Merrele, Brunilda

My Beer is Rheingold the dry beer!
Issy Patapis

My Beer is Rheingold the dry beer!

Joey Donaghy sleeps
Joey Donaghy sleeps
Check out the signs, Fiorello, Patterson vs. Johansson, Commerce HS in background.  Cesar took this shot.
Orlando Haynes, Patrick Mann and Julio Rodriguez

Check out the signs, Fiorello, Patterson vs. Johansson, Commerce HS in background. Cesar took this shot.

Softball group1
Softball group1
Sylvia, Aida, Roy, Elsie, her sister Carmen(hidden),?, George and Orlando in back.
Softball group2

Sylvia, Aida, Roy, Elsie, her sister Carmen(hidden),?, George and Orlando in back.

La Bodega
La Bodega
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