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Stephanie Seto | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gardens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This city is full of 'em. Here are some images from a few of my favourites.
Magnolias in bloom
Magnolias in bloom
Gate, magnolias
Gate, magnolias
Mom, me, bridge
Mom, me, bridge
Rhodies and me
Rhodies and me
Forest path
Forest path
Tiny falls
Tiny falls
Nitobe Garden Pond (B&W)
Nitobe Garden Pond (B&W)
Nitobe Garden Pond 2 (B&W)
Nitobe Garden Pond 2 (B&W)
Queen Elizabeth Park
Queen Elizabeth Park
Spring reflection
Spring reflection
Water Pavillion
Water Pavillion
Prunus Mume
Prunus Mume