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Maputo streets

FujiFilm X-T1
1/280s f/5.0 at 55.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stephanie18-Jul-2017 12:27
What a super candid! This looks like a nice town ! V
Yvonne18-Jul-2017 11:00
Interesting form of transport... and more waiting their turn? Great shot. v
Ceya18-Jul-2017 07:44
Lively shot, Kim! Relaxed mood. V!
Bill Miller18-Jul-2017 07:05
Great energy in this street scene.
globalgadabout18-Jul-2017 05:22
on the way home perhaps, with many more people waiting for a ride...a buzzing scene..
Neil Marcus18-Jul-2017 03:18
No problem riding in the open vehicle in this town. It look as if there was an occasion with all the people at the keb.
Hank Vander Velde18-Jul-2017 01:34
Neat candid shot Kim. No seatbelts required here.
Gill Kopy18-Jul-2017 01:08
Such an interesting scene from the building in the background (Ministry of Culture & Tourism ?) to the well dressed truck occupants ! V
Nick Paoni17-Jul-2017 22:20
What a cool capture. The eye contact with the woman on the right makes the shot for me. V
Ken Chambers ARPS17-Jul-2017 21:18
Lots of people, colour and good light. Of course nice camera too !
Jim Coffman17-Jul-2017 20:53
A very nice candid, Kim! Lots to see in this image...
Tom Munson17-Jul-2017 20:49
Nice shot, looks like a busy place.
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