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Kim | all galleries >> Galleries >> Africa > Maputo streets
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Maputo streets

FujiFilm X-E2
1/240s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer15-Jul-2017 21:11
Fascinating indeed, and the power in the woman's gait jumps out. Well seen and captured, Kim.
Martin Lamoon11-Jul-2017 20:17
A great street scene and capture.
Neil Marcus11-Jul-2017 16:22
A fascinating street scene, Kim. "VVV"
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jul-2017 16:19
Superb detail and clarity in this colorful scene. "V"
Jim Coffman11-Jul-2017 15:52
A super street scene, Kim!!
Wim Ensie11-Jul-2017 15:14
So much to see and to enjoy, great photography!!!
Tom Munson11-Jul-2017 15:05
Wonderful street scene.
Ceya11-Jul-2017 14:31
Great action shot, Kim! Lovely colours and light, the place is full of energy! V
globalgadabout11-Jul-2017 14:29
rich scene and moment...the pulse of the street is so strong here....looks like just the place to get some sewing done...V
Nick Paoni11-Jul-2017 14:09
A vibrant scene of a far away place. V
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