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Kim | all galleries >> Model Photography >> Evee Smile and the Flow Dancers >
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MarcViskens20-Jul-2018 13:31
very pretty Kim
Alain Boussac25-Feb-2013 22:28
Oh yes again ! V.
Colin Storey20-Feb-2013 21:45
Fantastic action shot. Very sharp. v
Helen Betts20-Feb-2013 21:13
She appears to be almost floating in air with that great white background. Another excellent, one, Kim! V.
Yiannis Pavlis20-Feb-2013 18:35
Absolutely delightful photo.
Nestor Derkach20-Feb-2013 18:27
She seems to be air born in this pose., it has a very dramatic feel to it.
High key background and her outfit make for a nice contrast.
A great photograph and a wonderful expression of joy.
Tom LeRoy20-Feb-2013 16:23
Excellent capture - so visible how much fun she has to move and pose!V!
pierreratte20-Feb-2013 16:21
Great shot Kim, very nice capture, Well done. Bravo
Stephanie20-Feb-2013 12:11
This is adorable Kim! BV++
CM Kwan20-Feb-2013 11:49
Wonderful work, Kim. V
Fong Lam20-Feb-2013 05:38
Lively pose and superb timing, Kim.....V
Lamar Nix20-Feb-2013 01:58
The energy flows freely in this image! V
J S Quesada20-Feb-2013 01:16
Fabulous jump on air. Perfect timing. V
Jim Coffman19-Feb-2013 22:58
Love it,Kim! She is a natural!!
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