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Canon EOS 40D
1/250s f/5.6 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
hamery04-Jan-2015 07:21
great expression and i love this close up. beautiful with the words in her eyes. well done, jim. big vote !
Fong Lam18-May-2014 13:07
Love the tight framing of this excellent portrait.....she's a natural beauty...V
Tom LeRoy10-May-2014 13:04
A beautiful natural pose. Love it! V
MarcViskens08-Apr-2014 17:19
very pretty portrait
nice model
Pierre06-Apr-2014 10:52
Un regard absolument superbe! V
Ken Chambers ARPS27-Mar-2014 18:00
I would never tire of looking at this face. Kim.
Bart Boodts Photography09-Feb-2014 21:56
John Vass25-Jan-2014 05:20
Love this! All of it!
Guest 12-Nov-2012 15:58
she got the look
Walter Otto Koenig09-Jun-2012 20:40
Superb portrait with this pose and lighting. A lovely face. "V"
Nestor Derkach25-Feb-2012 14:37
Very beautiful , facial light , pose , and very penetrating eyes.
A superb portrait.
Vote 10+
rick bolt12-Oct-2011 00:33
Wonderful face
Lee G21-Sep-2011 18:07
Beautiful portrait, Kim!
Sam_C21-Sep-2011 04:32
Superb. V++
shatterbug20-Sep-2011 21:56
Terrific is very good!
Ceya20-Sep-2011 12:55
Great portrait of this beautiful lady. V
Guest 09-Apr-2011 13:14
Perfect portrait.
rick bolt27-Oct-2010 17:45
what a beautiful face. v
Buba Jafarli08-Feb-2010 17:04
Love this slightly ironic smile! V.
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