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Simon Vos | profile | all galleries >> North America >> Canada 2004 >> Vancouver and Squamish 2 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vancouver and Squamish 2

The route we are on is Uncle Ben's V 5.10, C3
Raccoon in Bron's yard
Raccoon in Bron's yard
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
Vancouver from Granville Street Bridge
The ferries!
The ferries!
The ferries!
The ferries!
Civilised hobbies!
Civilised hobbies!
Civilised hobbies!
Civilised hobbies!
Bald eagle being bombed by a fearless crow!
Bald eagle being bombed by a fearless crow!
Totem Poles in Stanley Park
Totem Poles in Stanley Park
The walking/cycling track around Stanley Park
The walking/cycling track around Stanley Park
Kyle Charles, Bron, Mark and Me
Kyle Charles, Bron, Mark and Me
Kyle Charles, Bron, Mark and Me
Kyle Charles, Bron, Mark and Me
Charles, Kyle
Charles, Kyle
Kyle, Mark, Bron
Kyle, Mark, Bron
At the base of the Grand again with Chris and his friend
At the base of the Grand again with Chris and his friend
Aid Rack!
Aid Rack!
Heading up Merci Me, we will traverse out left then climb the R slanting crack to roof and bivy above that.
Heading up Merci Me, we will traverse out left then climb the R slanting crack to roof and bivy above that.
note the orange poop tube
note the orange poop tube
That was the hardest thing I have ever done  - Kyle
"That was the hardest thing I have ever done" - Kyle
Chris and friend pass us, they are on the Grand Wall
Chris and friend pass us, they are on the Grand Wall
That's where we slept!
That's where we slept!
It's an awesome ledge!!! Thankyou Andrew Clarke!
It's an awesome ledge!!! Thankyou Andrew Clarke!
Hard Boys on the Left Side of the Split Pillar, 5.12 hard!
Hard Boys on the Left Side of the Split Pillar, 5.12 hard!
24hours of climbing and rapping later, we are at the camp, and the sun is rising! Ask Kyle for the story!
24hours of climbing and rapping later, we are at the camp, and the sun is rising! Ask Kyle for the story!
5hours later!
5hours later!
Getting pretty for work!
Getting pretty for work!
Leaving wonderful Canada!
Leaving wonderful Canada!
It was good!
It was good!
I can see my house from here!
I can see my house from here!
and KP, I am so glad to be home, honest I am!
and KP, I am so glad to be home, honest I am!