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Vancouver and Squamish 1

Finally I arrived in YVN and met Mr Mark Hately. The next day, after some drooling at the mountain shop strip on Broadway, we headed up to Squamish.

7 Aug 04
Mt Hunter from the plane
Mt Hunter from the plane
More snowy peaks, I am getting excited!
More snowy peaks, I am getting excited!
Nearly there
Nearly there
Even rearer
Even rearer
Final approach
Final approach
Kyles place The worst house on a good street Purrfect!
Kyles place "The worst house on a good street" Purrfect!
Looking out from the base of the Grand Wall
Looking out from the base of the Grand Wall
Looking up at the Grand Wall from the base of Flake 5.10b 2 pitches
Looking up at the Grand Wall from the base of Flake 5.10b 2 pitches
Kyle on Pitch 1 - this is our approach to the Grandwall itself
Kyle on Pitch 1 - this is our approach to the Grandwall itself
Me on Pitch 2 5.4...
Me on Pitch 2 5.4...
On flake ledge, Howe Sound in the background
On flake ledge, Howe Sound in the background
Kyle on Flake ledge, A little disturbed after I threw a rock at hime from 30m!
Kyle on Flake ledge, A little disturbed after I threw a rock at hime from 30m!
Me at the belay on Merci Me, 5.9 2 pitches - more approach to the Grand Wall route
Me at the belay on Merci Me, 5.9 2 pitches - more approach to the Grand Wall route
Kyle seconding P1 40m 3 bolts
Kyle seconding P1 40m 3 bolts
Kyle Seconding P2 40m 4 bolts
Kyle Seconding P2 40m 4 bolts
At the top of the pitch
At the top of the pitch
Qurank advertising!
Qurank advertising!
Kyle seconding the 5.10b A0 pitch approach to the Split Pillar
Kyle seconding the 5.10b A0 pitch approach to the Split Pillar
Phew, Kyley say: Aid is nasssssty my precious, me hgggates it, it's rotten...  yes it is!
Phew, Kyley say: "Aid is nasssssty my precious, me hgggates it, it's rotten... yes it is!"
Nearly finished my OS of the Split Pillar
Nearly finished my OS of the Split Pillar
Phew, made it, jetlag and dehydration is taking it's toll, I am cramping!
Phew, made it, jetlag and dehydration is taking it's toll, I am cramping!
Kyles turn, good Jamming form hey!
Kyles turn, good Jamming form hey!
Logs bound for mulchers on the far side of the Sound
Logs bound for mulchers on the far side of the Sound
Kyle is suffering too!
Kyle is suffering too!
Finished the hard bt, just the body crack left!
Finished the hard bt, just the body crack left!
Then I fell 40' off the next pitch! If in doubt, run it out! I did and hurt my thumb...
Then I fell 40' off the next pitch! "If in doubt, run it out!" I did and hurt my thumb...
The next day is rainy so we play at Murrin Park
The next day is rainy so we play at Murrin Park
Aaaaww... Pretty
Aaaaww... Pretty
Kyle Racking
Kyle Racking
And the rain comes down a bit harder....
And the rain comes down a bit harder....
Uthi phone home
Uthi phone home
Our Campsite L-R Vaughan (OZ) Friend (USA) Mark (OZ)
Our Campsite L-R Vaughan (OZ) Friend (USA) Mark (OZ)
Gear, prepping for The Sheriffs Badge, we bailed due to eagerness to go to Bugs!
Gear, prepping for The Sheriffs Badge, we bailed due to eagerness to go to Bugs!
Bouldering ??? V4
Bouldering ??? V4
More, this time a way too hard for me V6
More, this time a way too hard for me V6
Vaughan Cranking
Vaughan Cranking
and sussing out holds
and sussing out holds
Mmm... This weather sucks! Let's eat!
Mmm... This weather sucks! Let's eat!
That's Chris and Kitty litter for the poop tube!
That's Chris and Kitty litter for the poop tube!
Camp again, this is definately a rest day ;)
Camp again, this is definately a rest day ;)
More food!
More food!
Yummy, it was an excellent concoction
Yummy, it was an excellent concoction
Vaughan's Friend from the Valley
Vaughan's Friend from the Valley
Mmm.... Rain!
Mmm.... Rain!
And let's go to the Bugaboos
And let's go to the Bugaboos
Vaughan's trusty unlicensed US$700 car is our Limo
Vaughan's trusty unlicensed US$700 car is our Limo
And we're outta here!
And we're outta here!
The road to Vancouver
The road to Vancouver
Vancouver Panorama
Vancouver Panorama
Bronwyn and Charles feed us our last supper before we leave
Bronwyn and Charles feed us our last supper before we leave
It tasted better than it looked!
It tasted better than it looked!