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little mermaid..

Canon EOS 7D
1/400s f/6.3 at 75.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
H2M23-Oct-2011 09:32
Una composición encantadora y una esplendida luz. VV!
Guest 23-Oct-2011 08:29
excellent compo and light Sil.
borisalex23-Oct-2011 06:15
..late light!!
borisalex23-Oct-2011 06:14
Yes..almost like in Kopenhagen! Love the late creating that peaceful mood! v.
Guest 23-Oct-2011 03:32
Beautiful composition and the mood so well captured! ~VV
marko gregoric23-Oct-2011 01:54
Very strong image. V
Hank Vander Velde23-Oct-2011 01:46
She looks so sad. Super shot and lighting to reflect her sadness.
Liz Bickel23-Oct-2011 01:37
Wonderfully seen. The tones add to the reflective mood of this touching image.
CIS22-Oct-2011 23:54
Love the mellow lighting, and the gold kissing the edges...beautiful work!!!
Guest 22-Oct-2011 22:19
Tender, poetic, an image whose body posture conveys the mysteries of moods, in a setting that frames the diurnal rhythms of night and day
marie-jose wolff22-Oct-2011 22:06
swim little mermaid! you'll will feel lighter in water! V
larose forest photos22-Oct-2011 21:38
A very evocative image, both lonely and seemingly sad, but also beautiful.
Guest 22-Oct-2011 21:20
Muy buena imagen Silvia, me encanta la luz y la composición, y creo que has logrado captar muy bien la tristeza de esta sirena :) !! V
shatterbug22-Oct-2011 20:58
Posture suggests a pensive moment...I like the way you framed this!
Raf22-Oct-2011 20:51
Excellent photograph. V
Gerard Koehl22-Oct-2011 20:41
Magnifique avec cette luminosité. V
globalgadabout22-Oct-2011 20:37
a mermaid with a weight on her shoulders...deeply touching image...the surge of the sea echoes the flux of emotions evident in her body language...extraordinary light...V
Mary Bowles22-Oct-2011 19:55
Wonderful, but sad.
I hope the sound of the sea helped her.
mario .n22-Oct-2011 19:50
La pensadora ! bella luz
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