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Fatih Gumus | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome and thank you. I enjoy visiting countries and I start new projects continually. My camera is always by my side.

My career specialty has been project management in construction sector. So that I can find many opportunities to visit many countries.

Photography, travel and music have always been high on my list of favorite personal interests. Exploring the world as an avid adventure traveler has taken me to more than 20 countries, and has given me many rich experiences and fond memories. For this, I will be eternally grateful. I like to fly and to drive, and recently I like to ride around on my 2005 “Honda CBF600”, aka my "photobike."

For the Gear Heads and anyone else who is curious, my current camera is Canon EOS 60D. I stop using Nikon D200 mounted with Tamron 18-250mm 3.5-6.3 zoom lens. I have a Canon Powershot 1100 IS 6.2-18.6mm 2.8-4.9mm that's a pocket monster to lug around and remains a quick friend. I sometimes use a 50mm 1.4 for my favorite natural low light situations.

My formative years in photography began in college with my beloved Nikon F301 50mm and 135mm fast prime lenses. My film of choice at that time was Kodachrome 64 color slide film. Digital has become so wonderfully advanced that I can't see a reason for ever shooting film again.

I am keen on photography and computer. My addiction is hopeless. Life is so sweet with my family.

P.S. I try to geotag my photos. So, I may help my friends who want to know the exact location where I was standing. Please feel free to comment on the photography, and my honest approach to it.

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