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silverghost1951 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> the legend of the coda stones tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

the legend of the coda stones

I have in my own little way, told some tales on the net; Saucers Over Atlantis, Karen vs. the Skullmasters, Moonwater and others. But until now, this one I have held off on. If I suddenly disappear from PBASE, you will know the reason why.
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coda glamor
coda glamor
an ancient near collision
an ancient near collision
coda stones: book 1
coda stones: book 1
coda stones: book 2
coda stones: book 2
seeing the unseen II
seeing the unseen II
never free of its power
never free of its power
the lost coda stone
the lost coda stone
one green stone
one green stone
the deed is done
the deed is done
startled while wearing the green coda stones
startled while wearing the green coda stones
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