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silvano | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Venice Carnival 2000, 2001 & 2002 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Venice Carnival 2000, 2001 & 2002

All photos taken in Venice with Nikon Coolpix 990 and 950 digital camera (year 2000,2001 and 2002)

all images © SILVANO CANDEO

These photos are for personal viewing and printing only.
They may not be republished in any form without written permission of the copyright holder; this includes the posting of photos downloaded from this page into another server. If you would like to use any of the photos here, please contact me leaving a private message in the guestbook

florine_7323 adriana_and_maurizio_0751 muriel_0782
adriana_and_maurizio_0472 Rosie_0168 jeannette_and_pierre-edouard_1015
1075 7253 0501
7374 7600 0945
0741 angelika_0817 sylvia_1004
0982 0482 0835
renate_and_erwin_0778 0987 0038
0140 0955 1017
0153 0481 0732
coffee_break old_camera 0142
make_up_artist make_up make_up_artist
make_up japanese_shot fancy_dress_children
alex_and_frank_1040 0018 marc_and_josy_0738
0028 0023 sabine_0031
waltrud_and_ewald_0048 0052 0143
0309 0352 0347
mariel_and_georges_0435 m.therese_and_yolande_0447 0496
udo_0173 0176 jeannette_0279
0033 0045 0096
0523 0601 0733
0521 eliane_and_rafy_1016 marco_and_eliane_1008
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0245 0341 0344
0727 0840 0495
0772 0986 josy_and_marc_0737
0448 0462 1029
0348 1069 0836