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Christa 03-Mar-2013 18:05
I like it all!!
Stefano Zanola 16-Jan-2012 15:32
E' stato un piacere scattare con te ieri a Verona. A presto.
Daniela Schmid 02-Jan-2012 14:17
Hello Silvano!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us. And for sending me the link! Maybe we will meet next month? :-)
Heartly Daniela Schmid
Skorpion3 15-Dec-2011 17:13
Attendo impaziente di vedere una nuova galleria di foto "japanese style".

Ciao ;-)
Guest 17-Sep-2011 11:28
Ciao Silvano !
Grazie Mille, pour ce gentil petit mot, j'espère que l'année prochaine, il n'y aura pas de soucis et que l'on se retrouvera à Martigues pour d'autres photos encore plus belles !
Tanti bacci......Marie-Dominique Merlino
monique15-Aug-2011 08:12
Bonjour Sylvano,

Merci pour ton super message qui me fait très plaisir. Et oui je fais des photos depuis 2008, mais j'ai attendu d'en avoir suffisament pour faire le site. Maintenant, il me faudra courrir la campagne, faire d'autres voyages. Bonne journée, bises Momo
la mistra 27-Jun-2011 15:54
Ciao Silvano,
complimenti per le foto. Lavoro straordinario. Visitare il tuo sito è stato e sarà un piacere.
Edward B. Chan 27-Mar-2011 14:38
Your photographs are excellent. They have been well thought and composed. I admire your persistence and evolution of your craft. I would like to ask permission to have your password so I can access your blocked gallery.
Congratulations on your work, Sincerely,
claudia crimé 23-Dec-2010 18:41
bonjour Silvano,
je m'appelle Claudia et des amis m'ont fortement conseillée d'aller voir vos photos du Carnaval (Venise of course!)
J'avoue que je suis emballée , cela fait plaisir de voir quelque chose de différent et j'ai été très impressionnée par votre travail sur la lumière , les transparences et la qualité des couleurs... C'est du grand art!! J'attends Mars 2011 fébrilement en me disant que j'aurai peut-être la chance de me retrouver sur l'une de ces photos ! Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo Claudia
yvette Beghon 15-Oct-2010 17:59
Bonsoir Silvano,c'est toujours un plaisir de regarder tes photos. Je n'ai pas eu de tes nouvelles depuis longtemps, il faut dire que j'ai une nouvelle adresse mail et que je n'arrive pas à récupérer mes contacts sur mon ancien ordinateur. As-tu fait une galerie avec les photos du carnaval 2010 ? J'espère que tu te portes bien et espère avoir des nouvelles très bientôt. Ciao, Yvette
yves 26-Sep-2010 09:19
Ciao l'artiste
je survole rapidement ton book
et je decouvre maintenant après le personnage charmant,
le talent de l'artiste !
A vedere e a rivedere per il piacere delli occhi !
silvano 25-Sep-2010 11:00
pour Corynne
desolé, il faut patienter ...
juste hier soir j'ai commencé charger les photos sur le site ...
et je n'ai pas encore fini ...
et merci pour ta visite :-)
Coryne 25-Sep-2010 08:35
Ciao Silvano, je ne me suis jamais vue sur 1 seule de vos photos...mes costumes ne correspondent sûrement pas à vos goûts! Tant pis...mais vos photos sont superbes, compliments!
Denis Masson 20-Sep-2010 18:54
Bonjour Silvano,
Merci pour ton message laissé sur mon site pbase.
Ce fut un plaisir de te rencontrer à Martigues. Compliments pour tes belles photos.
A bientôt
kristin 19-Sep-2010 08:54
silvano, your pictures are amazing! it's like dipping in an another world!

Michel Duval05-Sep-2010 10:18
Ciao Silvano,
Vengo spesso visitare las tuas galerias con tanto piacere ed anche per prendere una lessione di fotografia.
Grazie al mio consulente Pbase.
Spero di riverderte a Venezia, a Parigi o altrove
Françoise.O 15-Aug-2010 07:52
toujours autant de plaisir a voir et a revoir toutes ces belles photos,merci Sylvano
linda 26-May-2010 00:54
Silvano: Love your Venice Carnival photos. Truly beautiful. I also enjoy Lorenzo (your photographer friend) photos. I have looked for his carnival photos but do not see any. Do you know if he went to the carnival this year? thank you, Linda
Solange 09-Apr-2010 14:38
Bonjour Silvano ,
Je suis venue voir tes galeries avec toujours du bonheur dans mes yeux .Mes Félicitations toujours aussi grandes pour ton talent d'Artiste photographe.A bientôt Silvano .Amitiés .
Guest 16-Mar-2010 12:00
Ciao Silvano! realy amazing photos!!! I hope to see your new of venice 2010 in short time...!
albertosimalan08-Mar-2010 12:19
Ciao Silvano e grazie dell'apprezzamento.
Vedendo le tue gallerie si rimane estasiati nell'osservare la tua Venezia e le tue maschere.
Immagini che si passa del tempo ad ammirare mentre si sogna ciò che si sviluppa intorno al soggetto.
Complimentissimi !
Guest 03-Mar-2010 15:27
I am really impressed seeing your pictures. I think I have to learn quite a lot.
all the best
Gail Davison28-Feb-2010 08:59
Fantastic photos. I've been to Venice a few times but never for Carnival... I need to put that right!!
Ory Hamson 25-Feb-2010 09:30
Will we ever get to see venice 2010? Your photos are amazing!

Ory H.
krishan19-Feb-2010 08:57
Hi.... like your photos so much..... you are really great photographer..... Im an artist and i paint on canvas. I hope we can be good friends.

Zen 24-Dec-2009 07:38
Grazie mille Silvano per le tue foto !
Buon Natale et tanti auguri
Giorgio Gregori19-Dec-2009 14:59
Ciao Silvano,
ti ringrazio per il tuo apprezzamento.
Ho iniziato a vedere le tue immagini, e sono rimasto colpito,oltre che ovviamente dalla qualità, dalla sistematicità del tuo approccio fotografico. Traspare pianificazione, traspare una grande mole di lavoro, ma sopratutto ,per l'occhio esperto, traspare un grandissimo amore per Venezia . La tecnica da sola non basta per raggiungere questi risultati.
I miei complimenti.
Christophe 10-Oct-2009 08:20
Hi Silvao, I m Chris,Polish guy living in London.
I love your photography. I go to Venice fot 2010 Carnival and it will be a great pleasure to join you in this fantastic moment for great shooting.
Would you mond meet me in Venice in venice Carnival 2010 ?
Yours truly
Charlotte Mahler 30-Sep-2009 20:02
Great pictures. Real artistic. Thanks for sharing.
joey arcega 03-Sep-2009 07:34
hi kath its me joey remember in garden plaza hotel!god bless
Dat Huynh 21-Jul-2009 13:49
Fantastic photos, very rich & saturated color. I wish to ask you what is the camera you was using to take those photos.


Dat Huynh
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Guest 21-May-2009 21:40
I love your photography, you are a great artist...
and what better subject could there be than the
Venice Carnival. Thank you so much for sharing
your work, it's truly remarkable.
Joanna, U.S.A.
Guest 02-May-2009 07:33
Hello Silvano,such a marvellous works of art, it is amazing how you manage to capture so much uniqueness in a single shot, I am currently preparing a book on the influence of carnival and your pictures have inspired me with many ideas
Rosie, Germany
margareta guggi 01-Apr-2009 16:51
Your gallery is verry verry nice !!!Arrivederci 2010 margareta guggi
lorand28-Feb-2009 16:49
Grazie per le info.
Hai fatto delle foto pazzesche e hai una gallery stupenda!!!
Caro "maestro", la classe non è acqua.
Guest 24-Feb-2009 01:56
Silvano, again you bring the beauty of carnival to the people of the world. Your gifts are great and your sharing is so generous.
Guest 28-Jan-2009 19:16
Silvano, I have spent hours admiring and studying your photographs. They are truly inspirational. I look forward to meeting you in Venice. Bravo!
durieux marie france 20-Nov-2008 08:37
on m'a signalé votre site hier,et ,oh!!! merveille tous ces heurtoirs ,boutons de porte
à Venise!!!Depuis de nombreuses années je vais moi aussi à la chasse des heurtoirs des portes partout où je vais.Que c'est beau.Merci
Eliane05-Nov-2008 09:56
Thank you Silvano for all , and the comments on Eliane's Pbase gallerie .
I revisited with a lot of pleasure all your galleries .

Omar Frenquelli13-Oct-2008 23:51
grande Silvano, oramai quando penso al Carnevale penso a te, al prossimo vengo anche io ;)
Guest 10-Oct-2008 20:21
al mio compagno di un sabato veneziano,complimenti per la tua alta specializzazione !ciao Paul luigicasagrande
dan04-Oct-2008 20:35
Merci Silvano pour ta visite sur mes modestes galeries. Merci aussi pour les photos magnifiques du Carnaval à Venise où j'ai pu te suivre un peu...
à bientôt à venise
Guest 20-Sep-2008 08:18
Merci, Sylvano pour ces magnifiques photos. J'apprécie particulièrement celles de Burano avec leur éclatement de couleurs et leur ciel tourmenté. C'est somptueux, BRAVO !
stefano 17-Aug-2008 14:21
Con le tue foto riesci a carpire le semplici cose che ti fanno sentire vicino a casa anche se ti trovi come me in un'altro continente.
Congratulazioni Silvano sei proprio originale.

Nandis12-Jul-2008 08:31
I am fascinated by your work. Well done!
rene hoff13-Jun-2008 21:21
Bravo Silvano pour tes belles images de costumés. Au plaisir de te retrouver à Venise.
Amicalement René & Monique
Clarisse 12-Jun-2008 16:05
Mio carissimo Silvano,
Bellissime foto di Venezia 2008 ......... sei fantastico veramente!!!
Forte abraccio mio e di Antonio Manno.
Alain Boussac11-Mar-2008 21:02
Cher Silvano,
Je te remercie du fond du coeur pour ton commentaire sur ma galerie, si élogieux et si sensible. Je suis très honoré de lire cela venant de toi dont les sublimes images du Carnevale suscitent mon admiration. Ciao. Alain

Caro Silvano,
Ti ringrazio del fondo del cuore per il tuo commento sulla mia galleria, così lusinghieri e così sensibile. Sono molto onorato di leggere ciò che viene di te di cui le sublimi immagini del Carnevale suscitano la mia ammirazione. Ciao. Alain
Guest 10-Feb-2008 05:34
Your vinice gallery is just stunning...& so so vibrant...
Great stuff.
Thierry Liard08-Feb-2008 14:49
Many thanks for your welcome! One more time I enjoyed to meet you in this magical town!
you are a fantastic photographer and your point of view on masks is unique!

Hope to see you before 2009 carnival!
labeuquette 01-Feb-2008 20:24
Bravo Silvano. Tes photos sont toujours aussi professionnelles et magnifiques ! Continue à nous éblouir.
javier velazquez 30-Dec-2007 05:58
Silvano eres un fotografo maravilloso , espectacular , no solo captas la imagen ;sino la escencia misma de toda una ciudad ,por medio de las personas que mantienen viva una de las tradiciones mas espectaculares de la hermosa venecia , gracias por compartirnos estas maravillosas escenas captadas a traves de la lente de un grandioso fotografo .

un saludo desde austin texas :JAVIER
Guest 01-Dec-2007 20:46
qu'est devenu Lorenzo qui faisait de magnifiques photos ? Qui peut me renseigner ? Merci.
MASAMI I10-Nov-2007 23:46
Thank you very much for your generosity.
whittard 12-Oct-2007 13:58
non ho parole per descrivere le tue foto. Sono perfette, adoro il modo di utilizzare la profondità di campo, i colori e la nitidezza. La serie del carnevale di Venezia 2007 è fantastica, così come quella di Burano con tutti quei colori e dettagli.
Ti faccio i miei complimenti, un portfolio magnifico.
ciao Whittard
Guest 07-Jul-2007 05:12
hi Silvano! in 1993 u was in Sighisoara and made some pictures! I'm from Sighisoara! We meet at Giacomo's pizzeria! my address is:
take care, hope to hear from you
Guest 22-Jun-2007 05:56
Hope you update soon as I'll be anxiously awaiting.
Gerardo Di Paola11-May-2007 23:04
Che fantastiche gallerie Silvano!
Grazie per la condivisione.

Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:45
Thoroughly enjoyed your work. Thank you for sharing.
Jeroen Bosman24-Feb-2007 11:27
Hi Silvano, thank you so much for sharing the carival pictures with us. From what I have seen so far you really made the jump form superb description to still superb but now also artful expression during the last year. Congratulations! I am longing to see what your style and technique would mean for other subjects.
yannick Beunard24-Feb-2007 11:05
Vos galeries de Venise sont superbes et méritent de figurer parmi les plus belles ...VOTE
Debbie B.24-Feb-2007 03:24
Hi Silvano,
Your carnivale images are stunning! Well done.
John Potter24-Nov-2006 00:47
Silvano: When do you go for long do you stay each year?
photokhan16-Sep-2006 18:26
Thank you for your nice comment on my Venice gallery.

I am realy happy you did it, since it allowed me to discover YOUR Venice images...and, boy, I am in awe with them...

You really have a perfect understanding of the aesthetics of the place and are endowed with the skills and superior technique to aptly record it.

I can only assure that I'll be dropping by frequently in the next times, as there is simply too much beauty to fully appreciate in one visit.

In between, I'll try to deal with my envy about the fact that you already recorded "The Floating City" and its figures in the way I can only dream about...:)

Marcia Colelli05-Sep-2006 02:07
grazie così molto per la visita la mia galleria del gatto e del commento gentile
Guest 12-Jun-2006 21:28
Hello Silvano,
Thank you for your nice comments.
I visited Italy only one time so far, it was a very nice experience.
Your work makes me desire to come to Venice, very appealing.
David Yu02-Jun-2006 21:36
Hi, Silvano,
I love your carnaval photos. They are very very colorful and beautiful too. I wish I can go venice and take photo of them. But the carnaval in San Francisco bay area is little different. It is kind mixed with multicultural. you can see them in here.
thanks for sharing.
Guest 11-May-2006 19:14
Dear Silvano,
Thank you very much for your wonderful comment..I really apreciate it..
Best Regards
cyn 19-Apr-2006 21:02
Ciao!! Magical and inspiring. Keep sharing.
Valentina 06-Apr-2006 22:10
Ciao! Le tue foto sono sempre meravigliose!
Guest 24-Mar-2006 21:28
Beatiful work! Thanks for sharing.
Kirk 22-Mar-2006 02:15
Hello Sylvano,

Your photo gallery is my favorite on PBase. The images are beautiful and inspirering.

Best Regards

Margareta Guggi 14-Mar-2006 21:51
Dear Sylvano,
your fotos are very nice. As every year I am very glad to see your fotos.

Thank you
Shamsher Dhanoa01-Mar-2006 22:59
Ciao Silvano - I was very pleased to actually meet you in Venice! My wife and I have been admiring your galleries on PBase for quite a few months and it is your incredible Carnival photographs that inspired me to join PBase :)
Romana (my wife) and I were joking that I should look for you in Venice so when i actually recognized you from your photographs i was very surprised and excited!
I look forward to seeing your 2006 Carnival gallery - as i am still on old fashioned E6 slides it will take me a few weeks!
Best regards
Guest 27-Feb-2006 21:28
vos galeries sur le carnaval de venise sont magnifiques mais quel dommage de ne pas pouvoir accéder a la galerie de 2006 sans password
Agnès 06-Jan-2006 18:43
Happy and sweet New Year , Silvano ! I hope to see you back pretty soon and still have the great chance of strolling dentra Venezia with you .
Your heart and soul are as magical , pure and gorgious as your beautiful shots .
Best thoughts to Yvan , as well ... please , do send him all my friendship .
A prestissimo , spero , Silvano .
Agnese .
Marco 04-Jan-2006 13:02
Hi Silvano,
I see your photo, and I think: "They are so beautiful".
ivan 26-Dec-2005 18:44
ostaria al ponte ivan romeo debora franco ti augurano buone feste e un felice anno nuovo cia a presto
João Caesar 21-Nov-2005 16:34
muito boas as fotos
gostei muito
um abraço do admirador
João caesar
Guest 13-Oct-2005 14:58
Ciao Silvano, grazie del tuo commento che mi ha permesso peraltro di scoprire delle bellissime foto sul Carnevale di Venezia. Proprio in occasione di questo avvenimento mi sto organizzando con alcuni amici per partecipare all'evento del 2006. Vedere le tue foto è uno stimolo in più a partecipare.
Bobby Wong Jr.08-Oct-2005 04:33
Your Venice galleries are beautiful. I will visit it one day.
Adriana 10-Aug-2005 08:12
Caro Silvano,
più guardo le tue foto e più ne sono affascinata.Da sempre ti dico quanta sensibilità
ed arte trasmetti con le tue foto. Sono onorata e ti ringrazio di cuore per essere stata
un particolare in alcune di esse.Un abbraccio
Clarisse Czertok 01-Jun-2005 09:04
Caro Silvano,
Gostaria muito de agradecer a amizade e carinho. Voce nos proporcionou momentos felizes em Veneza e como profissional nao polpou esforços no trabalho das fotos. Grazie!!!

Parabèns por esse trabalho lindo e espero que todos possam acompanhar suas obras pela internet. Espero que em breve estejamos juntos de novo para novas fotos, seja aqui na Itàlia ou no Brasil.

Te desejo toda a paz do mundo nesse coraçao maravilhoso.
Um beijo enorme da eterna amiga Clarisse.
Architectural Photography: Debra DiCandilo24-May-2005 05:41
You have inspired me! Thank you! I really need to travel with my camera as you seem to do. Very good compositions. Aloha, Debra
chandev 17-May-2005 22:11
Silvano, you are a true Artiste...what an original, creative, beautiful collection. What I love best if the COLOUR that bursts forth from your exposures.
Thank you for making this wonderful gallery available to all of us. I can't add anything more, others have said all I have words for. Keep up the magic !

Shirley 16-Apr-2005 04:18
Hi Silvano,

Your photos are really great and wonderful, I just love them! Thanks for bringing me to a fantastic world full of mystery and colour.
I've tried to download some of your pics in a CDRom for personal collection, but in vain. So please leave this collection on your website as long as possible, then I can visit it again and again!!
Looking forward to seeing more of your great work :)

ayoung 09-Mar-2005 17:00
Certaily Frimpong must take the traghetto. And perhaps he would treat his host to an espresso at Cafe Florian.
Bruce 03-Mar-2005 20:45

I look forward each year to your Carnevale photos. Your artistry is evident and your work is a study in photographic excellence. I was fortunate enough to spend 8 days in Venice during this year's Carnevale ....and what great weather, too ! ( cold but beautiful skies and sunshine ) When I saw your photo of Erwin 2158, I realized, we must have, at that time, been within talking distance of one another......I am sorry that I missed the opportunity to tell you , in person, how much your photos have influenced me and to thank you for your generosity in sharing them.
best regards,

Doctrd 27-Feb-2005 12:37
Just had to write to tell you how much I enjoyed your photos. Have never been to Venice, planning a cruise there next year. The nearest I have been is at the Venetian in Las Vegas.
I know I will never be there at Carnival time, so thanks for taking me there. Your photos are just fantastic. I have a small collection of masks, but these photos bring them to life!
Guest 25-Feb-2005 17:40
Ciao Silvano,
I visited again and again your galleries and I would like to tell you once more, well done, you are a great photographer
my mail is:
Guest 24-Feb-2005 12:49
Hello,Silvano,Your pictures is very nice! Hope you replay my message!

Guest 24-Feb-2005 12:46
Hello,Silvano,Your pictures is very nice!
Louise 22-Feb-2005 16:07
Bonjour Sylvano,

Grâce à toi, j'ai pu, une fois de plus, être transporté dans la féérie du carnaval de Venise avec tes magnifiques photos. Elles sont toutes aussi magnifiques les unes que les autres.


Guest 18-Feb-2005 15:20
Silvano, you made me feel once more the charm of Venice ... stirring up again a lot of almost lost dreams. Thankyou !
Guest 17-Feb-2005 15:24
Eh Silvano ogni tanto me toca anca lavorar in teraferma :-) Quando progetti di venire a Venezia lasciami un messaggio che ci facciamo un giro insieme e un po' di pesce come l'Altissimo comanda.
Agnès 16-Feb-2005 19:59
I was expecting this magical moment where I would encounter Carnivale again . Though your eyes and your sensibility . Once again , your pics are gorgious , delicate , aristocratic, feminine , joyful , extremely harmonious.... I can't find my words !
Thanks again for bringing us dream in our so anonymous screen .... you are a magician , Silvano, but you're also a dream- maker .
Guest 14-Feb-2005 17:02
I hope too!
Petra Hüttinger 14-Feb-2005 15:40
Hello Silvano

every year I'm waiting for your fantastic photos of the Venetian Carneval - this year I was in Venice for 1o days - it was fantastic..Can you please tell me the password to have a look at your pictures ?

Guest 13-Feb-2005 19:45
Hi!Silvano,I very like your venice carnival's photo,I want to see the 2005 photos!Why need password?I don't know the passwords,can you tell me?thanks..
Guest 13-Feb-2005 19:30
Hi!Silvano,I hope to see 2005 venice carnival's photos,please tell me password!thanks!
Guest 06-Feb-2005 16:22
Hai un controllo della macchina assolutamente perfetto; un occhio fotografico superbo; una tecnica raffinata. Quel che non capisco è perché non provi a fotografare la mia città fuori dagli schemi di quel che è una immagine "classica" di Venezia. Qualcosa di meno "cartolina" e di più vicino al reale. Io ci provo da anni e non ci riesco per povertà tecnica e di occhio. Tu senz'altro ci riusciresti. Perché non provare?
Guest 09-Jan-2005 17:11
Ciao Silvano,

Mi piace le tue foto molto.

Salute da HK,
Agnès 25-Dec-2004 09:46
To you Silvano and to all the people looking at this wonderful site or sending overwhelming shots, I wish you a Merry Xmas and a happy new year , full of joy , happiness, understanding , good health and , last but not least , many venetian encounters .
Silvano , keep going with your pictoral marvels ... as I already said elsewhere, you are a magician .
Thanks so much for this permanent dream .
Sara Scampini 23-Dec-2004 15:37
I tuoi pregi? Sensilibità,bravura,gran buon gusto nello scegliere i soggetti e le inquadrature.Sei grande.
Nicole 22-Nov-2004 19:25
Je dois dire que j'ai été absolument époustouflée par toutes vos galeries.
Vous êtes un très GRAND photographe. Soyez remercié pour votre travail qui atteint la perfection.
marilyn k holmberg29-Oct-2004 01:05
thanx so much for looking at my b+w gallery!!! .. have been looking at all your lovely galleries.. WOW .. they are marvelous!! .. my favs are 'venice acaua alta' and 'walking in venice' .. they are awesome!!! .. 'm'
Agnès 04-Oct-2004 14:55
Oufti !! ( as we say here , meaning we are overwhelmed...)
Burano , " Perla della Laguna " , is emphasised by these wonderful pics of yours .
I just love the power of its colour and the great art in which people do mix them together ... simple life is so joyful over there !
Special thanks for your pics from Fondamente Nove ( and the Trattoria Algiubagio' we can notice when looking carefully) and the one with , if I do well remember, the rio dei Medicanti and Comte Targhetta's Palazzo .... what a pleasure to look at your shots , Silvano !
Guest 25-Sep-2004 04:15
that marvellous galleries,Silvano
that gives desire for going to Venice and to Austria
Gilles 19-Sep-2004 21:54
Hi Silvano, wonderful pictures from the carnival in Venice - the best I've seen. I shall be in Venice next year in carnival, see yyou there.
Greetings from Bonn, Germany
Agnès 14-Sep-2004 08:01
Fantastic and very sensitive pictures , Silvano ..... I'm completely charmed .
I was especially moved by your vision of ' dentra Venezia ' ... that's the way I see and love Her .... unfortunatelly , I haven't your gift at shooting so well and so sweet .
You are among my favourites .
Congratulations and keep going in making us dream !
angela 20-Jul-2004 12:32
wow! bello vedere venezia in queste foto anche per me che ci abito!
Madi 02-Jul-2004 21:42
Oh your gallery is magnificant! Those are some of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. I love them! Please keep doing what you are doing because you have such a good eye!
Maria Teresa 28-Jun-2004 21:37
Perfect, wonderfull photos, Excelente trabajo te felicito.
Margaret 27-Jun-2004 13:56
Ciao Silvano,
Grazie per tutti!! Firenze e molto bello! Le tue foto sono fantastico! Margaret
Guest 16-Jun-2004 21:46
Foto meravigliose!
Una tale maestria nel ritratto è davvero rara.
Bellissime anche le macro con l'ape che sugge il nettare.

Bailey Zimmerman10-Jun-2004 15:48
Dear Silvano,
Always a joy to look at your images!!!!
Please drop me a line....Hope al is well!!
Guest 22-May-2004 05:57
Dear Silvano,

I am blown away by your photos of the Carnival in Venice. I never knew that such an event ever existed. The costumes are amazing and they make my jaw drop. I would like to know more about what the Carnival is about. I would love to visit Italy someday.
I am a cosplayer from Southern California. My website is
Keep up the excellent work!
Martin Lamoon21-May-2004 19:04
Hi Silvano
Thank you visiting my gallery and leving comments on the Bell Tower. I only had an few days in Venice and wish we could have stayed longer. I am going to visit Italy this summer. You have some excellent photographs on your site. I look forward to seeing some more.
Guest 14-May-2004 21:04
Hi Silvano.
thanks for your comment in my gallery - it's an honour to have you visit my pages as your photographs actually inspired me to visit Venice myself! I hope one day I have a tenth of your talent!

Keep up the great work.
Giaco 10-May-2004 10:11

Images of Venice in Black and White are available here.
Muggiasana 16-Apr-2004 21:25
Ciao Silvano,
le tue foto sono veramente meravigliose e spettacolari, essendo una disegnatrice di grafica le ho veramente apprezzate.
Io abito in California, ma sono Italiana nata a Muggia, le tue foto mi hanno venire una grande nostalgia di casa. Forse se vai a Trieste e Muggia, ne postresi fare un paio di foto, come sarebbe bello.
Grazie nuovamente per far vedere la bellezza dell'Italia del Nord a tutto il mondo.
Guest 19-Mar-2004 06:26
Mmmaaarvelous galleries !
Lenika 13-Mar-2004 00:41

Your pictures are a pleasure to view! I have bookmarked your site on every computer I own and use. The quality and the colors are stunning and I sometimes feel like the pictures are animated because of the vibrancy! Keep up the excellent work!!
jon chambers 09-Mar-2004 19:42
Dear Silvano,
Keep up the high standard. Your photos are excellent and inspirational.
Guest 08-Mar-2004 21:16
Nuevamente buenas fotos
Saludos desde España
Guest 08-Mar-2004 15:56
You have really great galleries, they show in perfect way the beauty of such characteristic places. Keep doing it.
Bruce 03-Mar-2004 21:40

Silvano, ...Another outstanding collection of Carnevale photos. I log onto Pbase
each evening to look for your latest posts. I was at Carnevale in 2003 and hope to
return in 2005. I am learning much from your photographic compositions....Thank you
for your inspiration and for sharing so many of your photos.
Best regards,
LOULOU 03-Mar-2004 20:19
Quando il fotografo è anche un artista, i risultati sono sorprendenti. Complimenti Silvano
Sylvia 02-Mar-2004 18:41
Thanks Silvano for the work you do every year. The pictures are wonderful and we masks are happy that people like you recompense our work with such nice fotos.THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! A happy and thankful mask from Vienna - Sylvia
Guest 01-Mar-2004 02:39
Very beautiful and fantastic
sanjay 25-Feb-2004 04:49
What is your email to get permissions?
Gary Blanchette19-Feb-2004 22:31
I really love what you have captured in your galleries, especially "Burano Island". Great stuff!
Phyllis Stewart22-Jan-2004 01:51
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. The reflections are just amazing, and the street and canal shots among the best anywhere. It's been so long since I was there that I had forgotten how beautiful Venice is! You have really captured its essence!
Helfried 14-Jan-2004 22:35
Your pics are really wonderful. I would like to add this site to my link list, but couldn't find your email address to ask you. If it's not ok please contact me via

Stefano Z. 07-Dec-2003 23:19
Quano la CLASSE non è acqua...
Ciao Stefano Z.
Guest 09-Nov-2003 15:23
Fabulous photos...I could not decide choose which albums to leave a comment..there are so many. The color and techique is exceptionally good.

You are fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world.
silvano 25-Oct-2003 11:51
congratulation really great pics! all the best
Don Northup19-Oct-2003 21:57
I love your use of colours and reflections amoung many other things. Very, very, fine set of galleries you have here. Good day and happy shooting.
Sylvia 08-Oct-2003 20:06
Congratulation ! The fotos are wonderful. I like them ALL. I also was in Venecia during aqua alta.For us "fotografes" it was wonderful. Thanks also for making a foto of my mask. I will send a mail before the next carneval so that we coult meet again.Thanks and make more of such beautiful pictures.(
Anna 30-Sep-2003 09:40
bellissime foto, complimenti davvero
adesso aspetto quelle di Vienna...
Bailey Zimmerman28-Sep-2003 14:40
Silvano.....Love your images...refections,superb!! marvelous!!! I'm going back in November...10 days & nights of shooting!! I noticed in your bio that you live north of Venezia...maybe we could all meet for caffe?
You asked about my night images.....I have a steady hand. I shoot w/ 200asa and lean against a wall & fire away. No tripod!! Too heavy!
Angel Gonzalez Molero17-Sep-2003 13:30
Really a very good work, impressive colors and compositions. I love Venecia and therefore I love your shots
Guest 04-Aug-2003 18:01
Adrineh 18-Jul-2003 21:47
Hi Silvano,
Congratulation. The photoes from Venice Carnival are so amazing and wonderful and ofcourse rich with the history of Venice. I'm being infatuated by those images.

Very lovely
arnaldo 18-Jul-2003 12:05
ciao....sono arnaldo da milano....ho trovato l'indirizzo della tua homeopage sul sito di silvia .....sono andato subito a vederlo...veramente complimenti per le bellissime immagini...peccato che non mi hai fotografato....ti consiglio di andare a vedere il mio sito a questo indirizzo troverai tutti i costumi che ho realizzato e interpretato in 14 anni di carnevale...fammi sapere se mi hai ritratto....arrivederci!
EHusky28-Jun-2003 04:30
Hi..those are very colourful and sharp pictures of Venice. Venice, is indeed a very beautiful city. I hope you'll also take pictures of cities of Italy. Italy, is my favorite place to visit in Europe. Hopefully, I'll get to continue to visit other cities such as Sicily, Naples and Padova. Great work!!! You ought to be proud of yourself.
Caroline 15-Jun-2003 02:55
You're work is so inspiring. Makes me want to go to carnival days in venice....
Dias dos Reis27-Apr-2003 12:19

You really got the Venice soul on your photos.


António Reis
jackie 07-Apr-2003 16:04
Hello Silvano,
I wonder if you would send me your email address? I am an artist, who has visited the Venice Carnival, and would like to ask you a question about your photos.

I would be very grateful.

Franz Bauer28-Jan-2003 22:32
Hi Silvano,
I enjoyed your images of Venice very much,especially the masks of carneval are great;want to see more.Franz Bauer
tomr-photos11-Oct-2002 20:18
Hi Silvano: Thanks for the comment. I have only 3 of my own pictures that have been framed. The D30 shot is one of them. – Tom
Guest 11-Oct-2002 14:09
Great work......Shows much skill.

Rick Murtha, NY USA
Maurice Burke Photography21-Sep-2002 20:51
Thank you for your comments. I have also seen your galleries and you too do magnificent work!
Guest 09-Sep-2002 13:00
Thank you very much for your comment on my gallery. I like Cabernet Sauvignon as well. That is a very special bottle that will probably never be opened. So it deserves to be enjoyed in another way.

I enjoyed the colors in Burano Island and Riflessi Veneziani. I also enjoyed the very interesting faces in Venice Carnival.

Helen Betts14-Aug-2002 07:49
Mille grazie, Silvano! I'm happy you like those pictures; they were both taken here in Okinawa. When I have a bit of time, I'll go back and look at your galleries.

Marilu Bishop13-Aug-2002 04:08
Your galleries are terrific, Silvano! I love that Peachtree effect, too.
You left a comment in my gallery regarding the D100 lens use for the bee (pic 23) photo. I used my Nikkor 28-135 D AFS which is the only lens I had until yesterday! It was used in macro mode, and cropped. Thanks for your comments!

Canyonlu (Marilu)
giulia 15-Apr-2002 09:55
Fantastic Silvano!!!! I tuoi riflessi sono veramente...veramente....carini...ah ah!!!. Naturalmente scherzo, ora corro a dire ad Eleonora di visitare immediatamente la tua gallery, sono sicura che ne resterà entusiasta come me.
Guest 07-Mar-2002 21:24
e' di altro genere "raro"
enzo 21-Feb-2002 11:14
complimenti Silvano