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Austria, Osttirol region. Since year 1991 this is my favorite place for my summer vacations. The mountain village in the photo is Obertilliach


Obertilliach Obertilliach Innervillgraten
Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year)
Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year)
Lienz: kites show Lienz: kites show Obertilliach
Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: reflections (religious procession 15th Aug) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year)
Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Obertilliach: the traditional religious procession of 15th Aug (each year) Lienz: kites show
Lienz: kites show Obertilliach Obertilliach
Lienz: kites show Obertilliach Obertilliach, mt 1450 , region Ost-tirol
Ost-tirol tree Assling
Obertilliach april 2008, two days in Ost-tirol April 2008, two days in Obertilliach (Ost-tirol)
April 2008, two days in Ost-tirol Amlach welcome to Obertilliach, mt 1450, region Ost-tirol
wood Amlach Obertilliach: summer 2011, at sunset
flowers Unterstalleralm Ost-tirol
Amlach Ost-tirol Obertilliach: viewed from the mountain road to Porze-Hutte
Obertilliach: Moderwald Obertilliach: Klapfsee Obertilliach: view from the road/path to Porze Hutte
Obertilliach Obertilliach Obertilliach
Obertilliach (HDR) Obertilliach (HDR) Obertilliach
Obertilliach Obertilliach Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR)
Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR) Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR) Obertilliach, view from Porze-Hutte
Amlach Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR) Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR)
St. Oswald (HDR) Obertilliach Oberstalleralm
Obertilliach Obertilliach (HDR) Obertilliach, a cloudy weather  (HDR)
Obertilliach, a cloudy weather (HDR) Oberstalleralm Obertilliach
Innervillgraten Obertilliach Unterstalleralm
view from Hollbruck village Obertilliach Obertilliach
Kartitsch Obertilliach Obertilliach
Obertilliach RouteA111 Obertilliach
Obertilliach Assling Obertilliach
Maria_Luggau Obertilliach Amlach
Obertilliach Obertilliach Obertilliach
Kartitsch Amlach Obertilliach
Obertilliach Obertilliach Obertilliach
Maria_Luggau Obertilliach Kartitsch
Obertilliach Amlach Obertilliach
Obertilliach Obertilliach Obertilliach
Maria_Luggau RouteA111, Ost-tirol Untertilliach
Kartitsch Obertilliach Kartitsch
Obertilliach Maria Luggau Kartitsch (+ cokin filter)
Obertilliach_7100 Kartitsch (+ cokin filter) Kartitsch_6938
pattern_7398 pattern_6420 pattern_6424
Obertilliach_6460 Obertilliach_6908 Obertilliach_6847
Kartitsch_6728 Kartitsch_6682 Drau_river_7253
Amlach_6641 Drau_river_7271 Amlach_6611
Amlach_6615 Kartitsch_6733 pattern_6403
pattern_6405 6404 Obertilliach
Untertilliach_6850 Untertilliach_6842 Sillian_6898
Drau_river_7227 Drau_river_7279 Drau_river_7275