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Venice Carnival 2003

all images © 2003 SILVANO CANDEO

chanelle_8883 gondola_9183 marco_and_eliane_0770
evald_9879 9563 9929
marco_0764 jeannette_8556 8135
chanelle_and_pascale_8567 9855 andrea_and_friends_0879
Raymond_and_Joan_7264 masks,photographers and homeless_9215 alain,bernard_and_didier_0548
9839 9353 marco_and_eliane_0768
7202 7062 sabine_and_anja_9334
chris_8345 bernard_and_didier_9328 clara,elena_and_paolo_0086
michèle_and_eliane_9307 9079 simona_9898
7806 7917 8116
simona_9890 marco_and_eliane_0778 9086
9734 8144 9156
ute_and_udo_8467 8489 8769
7007 8624 7527
7741 monica_and_peter_8092 bertilla_9370
birgit_8552 9138 9141
9634 clara,elena_and_paolo_0083 9312
michèle_8782 9048 0499
anja/sabine_0565 9070 8484
florine_9313 9187 0208
muriel_8097 martin_and_sabine_9636 7804
0297 7399 7772
7799 7072 0097
7605 7608 7034
9843 self_makeup_9365 michèle_9255
assault_9192 jeannette_and_pierre-edouard_8850 alain,bernard_and_didier_9297
make_up_0805 7816 make_up_9560
muriel_8461 make_up_7522 luc_and_dolores_8491
0422 alain,bernard_and_didier_0551 cheese....._0663
0036 0101 0368
anna_9265 8170 0642
0531 waltraud_and_evald_0574 0109
muriel_8390 8659 chanelle_and_pascale_8577
josy_8772 jeannette_8666 8611
0247 eve_0395 0290
9408 9904 francine_and_friend_9423
8495 7319 chris_8576
anja/sabine_0677 renate_9399 8172
monica_and_peter_0442 selfportrait_7001 gersende_and_jean-bernard_8461
0682 7669 eve_0229
0546 0585 marco_0766
marco_9457 0264 7082
9419 marco_and_eliane_9448 9458
adriana_and_maurizio_8884 sabine_and_anja_0562 claudie_9279
florine_9356 m.therese_and_yolande_8953 nathalie_0725
7684 maurizio_8879 ute_and_udo_8475
bertilla_8924 9191 simona_9893
0237 nathalie_0691 ketj_and_alex_0411
9178 7798 nathalie_0736
0181 7803 make_up_9492
margareta_9534 florine_8377 andrea_9249
9406 0026 0273
cecile_9626 7000 9101
8715 8531 9016
monique_9042 pascale_and_chanelle_8565 8165
7007 9289 sabine_8607
michèle_8640 9002 0381
9802 elfriede_9065 sylviane_0471
andrea_0878 nathalie_9438 9649
0070 maurizio_8877 0462
0010 7802 chanelle_7227
9098 andrea_0114 0438
9005 7600 9009
9093 9099 9087
pascale_and_chanelle_7229 pierre-edouard_7107 m.therese_and_yolande_9018
7045 marco_8504 9286
wolfgang_9988 0024 alex_and_ketj_0408
7394 chanelle_7226 ketj_0041
8039 martin_8674 8170
0102 8592 7082
nadine_8598 alex/frank_8607 7150
0584 0466 0582