jalkahooaja lõpetamine ja rannajalgpalli karikavõistlused
saku fortuna vs automaailm
noorte korvpall
Mõned uued pildid noortekorvpalli galeriis hooaeg 2007/2008.
U17 - estonia vs england
Inglismaa võitis 6:0. Võimalusi oli 3 korda rohkem.
U17 - estonia vs portugal
Portugal võitis 2:0, meie omad rünnakule ei pääsenudki.
estonia vs montenegro
Sõprusmäng. Masendav esitus Eesti koondise poolt.
U21 - eesti vs holland
Valitsevad maailmameistrid selles vanuseklassis külastasid Eestit. Väga külm ilm, kuid pildid said tehtud ning mõned kuulsad mängijadki ära nähtud.
triobet vs pärnu
Ka meeste meistriliigas on hooaeg alanud. Esimesed mängud on kulgenud suht üllatustevabalt.
tlü/volta vs living
Naiste Balti liiga avalöök.
flora vs ajax
Ilmad juba liiga külmad jalgpalli jaoks, kuid kannatasin ära.
tlü/cartini vs jumek võru vk
Võrkpall on võrratu....esimese geimi ajal olin ainus pealtvaataja ;)
karika poolfinaalid
Väike reis Rakverre. Üllatas Triobeti ja Pirita visa vastupanu.
judo naiste mk etapp tallinnas
Väga meeldiv kogemus. Sai taaskord pildistada spordialla, mida polnud kunagi isegi vaatamas käinud.
tallinn torm
Ameerika jalgpalli üritus Pirital. Olles seda mängu telekas näinud (NFL), siis Eesti ja Soome meest esituses tundus alguses kuidagi koomiline, kohmakas ja aeglane see asi.
kalev vs barons
Järjekordne kontrollmäng. Seekord vastane tugevamast puust.
eesti vs portugal
Naiste B-divisjoni viimane mäng Eesti koondisele. Oli võimalus võit võtta, kuid närvilistel viimastel minutitel olid portugali naised kindlamad ja said võidu. Esimest korda sattus minu pilt kaunistama SLÕhtulehe artiklit.
eesti vs soome - naiste U-17
Esimene kord elus sattusin naiste jalgpalli vaatama. Soome tüdrukud mängisid päris kenasti, meie omad peavad veel harjutama.
seb sügisjooks
Käisin pilte klõpsutamas ning sõpradele kaasa elamas, järgmine aasta vaja aga uuesti jooksuriided selga ajada ja oma poolmaratoni aega parandama minna.
kalev vs ventspils
Kaks treeningmängu Ventspilsis noortega ei andnud kindlasti täit pilti Kalevi hetkeseisust ning potentsiaalist, kuid üldpilt tundus päris hea. Uued leegionärid paistavad olevat mängumehed, kuid eks paistab, mis saab.
eesti vs luksemburg
Naiste B-divisioni mäng. Mannetu esitus koondise poolt kolm esimest veerandit, viimaseks veerandiks saadi ennast käima ja toodi võit ära.
jalgpallikoondise treening
Soccernet.ee lehele käisin tegemas fotoülevaadet koondise treeningult enne valikmänge Horvaatia ja Makedooniaga. Õhkkond oli töine, kuid veidi ka terav.
flora vs levadia
Suurepärane mäng, kus Flora jäi 0:2 taha, kuid suutis lõpuks 3:2 võidu võtta, väravaid, penalte, punane kaart - seiklusi igale maitsele. Järgmisel päeval ilmus üks pilt käesolevast galeriist ka Postimehes, illustreerimaks aantud mängu kohta käivat artiklit.
ekstreemspordi festival tartus
Peale Tartu uisumaratoni sai veidi Tartu kesklinnas vaadatud, kuidas noored aega veedavad.
simple session 2007 - summer splash
Käisin vaatamas, millega need noored vabal ajal tegelevad. Kahjuks jäi negatiivse poole pealt silma tohutu suitsetamine noorte hulgas...mõni ise pole 10 aastatki täis, aga koni suus juba...
eesti vs andorra
Mannetu mäng, palju emotsioone, rabelemist ja kaklemist. Minu esimene kord platsi ääres olla, kollase vesti sain kah selga ja isegi toidupakike anti kätte.
hansapank xdream - keila joal
10-tunnine tööpäev, enamus ajast passisin ja ootasin kuna kanuud silmapiirile ilmuvad.
Sain järjekordse uue fotokogemuse, järgmine kord kindlasti tean, mida veidi teistmoodi teha.
tallinna loomaaed
Käisime ja nautisime ilusat ilma loomaaias.
eesti vs makedoonia
Põnev mäng, napp võit. Nagu nüüdseks teame, siis kasu sellest suurt polnud, võõrsil laguneti täielikult.
U19 jalgpall - eesti vs soome
Päikeseline hommikupoolik, sain uue objektiivi sisse õnnistatud ja ära proovitud. Mängu võitsid soomlased 2:1.
baltic sea basketball cup women
Eesti, Soome, Rootsi, Läti naiskonnad mängisid kolmel päeval TTÜ spordihoones. Eesti naiskond esines ääretult nõrgalt, Läti samas mängis kindlalt üle kõik vastased.
4 rahvuse turniir
Eesti, Läti, Ukraina, Ungari. Rahvuskoondiste turniir Saku Suurhallis. Eesti pakkus esimeses kahes mängus suhteliselt negatiivse emotsiooni, viimases mängus Lätiga võideldi välja ühepunktiline võit, kuid üldist pilti see paremaks minumeelest ei muutnud.
kurgjärve spordilaager 18.07-27.07.2007
Teine laager see suvi Kurgjärvel. Kõik sujus ning poisid olid tublid!
streetball 5on5 2007 third event
Another streetball event.
streetball 5on5 2007 second event
Second event of that tournament.
kurgjärve sportscamp
Was in South-Estonia for a 10 days. We were in Kurgjärve sportscamp. It is my favourite place in Estonia....
saku rullisõit
Bad weather.....my first shooting for sportfoto.ee site.
streetball 5on5....
First time I got paid for a shooting an event. It was sunny day, everybody had fun and all went well. Photos didn't came up excactly as I wanted, but there is more tournaments to come this summer.
u14 baltic cup
First day I was a referee in 2 games. On the last day of that 3-day event I went to shoot some photos.
wolksvagen linnaring 2007
Racing event...first time was a F1 car on our streets.
estonia vs england
Today was the long awaited football match between Estonia and England. So our Old Town was occupuied by English fans. At the stadium gates I watched both teams arriving and after that went home to watch the match from a TV.
beach soccer
First beach day this summer. Sun was shining but there was vey cold wind.
eos tallinn gp 2007
...the other event on that day was a cycling competition. It was my first cycling shooting so I didn't know how to handle it...
rat race tallinn 2007
Went there to shoot for a photo contest but now I can't select those three photos to submit. It was very nice event - lots of fun and everybody was smiling. It was sad that I couldn't stay for a children race because I had to go to a next event...
still life
I had a little walk in old town. There are annual festivities going on, so lots of tourists, souvenire shops, worshops and more.
kalev was defeated by rock...
Rock took the title in the 6th game. Kalev was hampered by injuries until the last moments of the series and never reached their full potential. Tartu took the title after two years and their fans sure were happy.
1 week to go...
It's one week until Estonian biggest streetball competition starts. I have been there as a referee for a past two summers but this year I am there to cover this event behind the camera. I'm so called official photographer.
Today they were placing new cover on the court that is unique in Estonia.
alexela tallinn 2007
Longtrack racing at the Tallinn hippodrome. World champion Gerd Riss (GER) won the event, Nynke De Jong (NED) came second. I was there only for training sessions because I had to go to a basketball game. So it was a day full of shooting.
pmkl II place
It's always nice to get something ;)
mens finals 4th game
Rock trashed Kalev this time and took the lead 3 games to 1. It was frustrating to watch and I think the title goes to Tartu this season but as long there is a game to play, there is hope.
mens finals 3rd game
Gert Kullamäe. The veteran still has something to prove. His 24 points and a buzzer beater three pointer gave Rock their second victory. Another game where Kalev was dominating and playing better basketball than Rock but nevertheless were defeated.
nõmme kalju vs maag tammeka II
Went for a sunday football mach to increase my shooting skills.
basketball coaching clinic @ kuremaa
Three days full of learning from two good European coaches - Rolandas Radvilavicius (LTU)and
Nihat Izic (TUR). Also there was some lectors from Estonia aswell.
estonia vs estonian U21
It was a training match. It was raining so I had to protect my gear all the time but nevertheless I had splendid time shooting my first football match.
nybit vs fausto
Bronze series, 1st game, Nybit won this close game.
just another pick-up game
Another pick-up game, Els-Brett tried to portray us as basketball players ;)
women finals 5th game
Audentes took the title finally in the 5th and decisive game.
tallinn rally 2007
Stage 1 was held in Tallinn downtown this year. Good weather, lots of spectators, fast cars....
tyg vs kallahten peruskoulu
School, where I teach had and friendly meeting with a Kallaslahten school in Finland. It is annual event. We played basketball, football and volleyball. Only win that we got was in basketball so there is some room for improvement for a next year.
women finals 4th game
TLÜ won this game and extended the series to five game. Next game will decide, who wins the title.
nybit vs rock
Half-finals, 2nd game, Nybit took the Tartu Rock by surprise and stole a win.
women finals 2nd game
Second game, TLÜ took a win but it was a tight game and Audentes had a chance to win it with a buzzerbeater but they missed.
women finals 1st game
Audentes started the final series with a convincing win.
rollerskating duatlon in pärnu
A friend invated me to take pictures in a rollerskating event where he participated.
urmo aava rallisprint 2007
Superb weather, first time taking pictures in a rally. Most of the pictures went south but some ok
jõesuu vs eston ehitus
PMKL 1/4 finals, second game. First game ended 69:69 but the leading stars of Eston didn't show up for the second game so we trashed them by 48 points. So we are through to the 1/2 finals.
tlü vs pirita
Women league half-finals 1-st game. It was an easy win for TLÜ squad.
easter tournament 2006 @ lahti, finland
Went to Lahti, Finland for a basketball tournament. It was a first such experience for my team. Luckily all went well and it turned out to be a nice trip.
kalev vs ventspils
BBL half-finals 1st game. Kalev took this game by 1 point. Kendrick Johnsons buzzer beater gave them a slim 1 point lead into the second game.
kalev vs barons
BBL quarter finals first game. Kalev took a slim 3 point lead to the next game. Remains to be seen if they manage to squeeze themselves to the next round.
jõesuu vs paulus
We totally collapsed against SMK Paulus. I don't know what happend but we looked tired and slow.
sass 50
My dads birthdayparty in Nõmme Sõõrikukohvik.
hc tallas vs reval-sport
My first ever vist to a handball game. It was hard to shoot a sport I'm not so familiar with...also lighting conditions were horrible...and that green net....arrrgh.
minibasketball in imavere
2 days spent in Imavere. My team had 5 games in 2 days. All in all it was a nice trip and I think boys were satisfied.
jõesuu vs pärnu mets
PMKL game. It was a nervous and hard game. I played, Els-Bret took the pictures.
nõmme vs lukas basket
Hard loss....very hard. We had an 1 point lead 4 seconds before the end but we fouled the oponent and he managed to make one free throw and game went to overtime.
all-star game 2007
Went especcially to Tartu to watch this game. It was uninteresting like many all-star games before...no intensity, no emotions, no nothing...it isn't sport, it is show. Dunk contest also was weak this year.
a friendly pick-up game
We played a friendli pick-up game. Els-Brett took all the photos while I was sweating on the floor or posing for the camera.
kalev vs nevezis
Kalev took this game by a 50 points. It was unbelievable. Looked like grown men played against children...
nybit vs kalev
Again shot Nybit game in Audentes....
vars vs nõmme
Another game for my team.
audentes vs tartu
First time for me to see Tartu team this season.
nybit vs rakvere
First time for me to see Rakvere team.
tlü vs audentes
The big rivalry in Estonian womens basketball. This time Audentes got a big win.
pärnu vs kalev
I had my own PMKL games in Pärnu and we stayed over there. So I took a chance to visit a KK Pärnu game against Kalev/Cramo.
a trip to stockholm
Went for a trip to stockholm with Els-Bret and some friends. Most of the time was spent on a cruise ship but we had our free time scouting the city of Stockholm. Had a similar trip last year.
rapla vs ttü
Went to watch those teams for a first time this season. Rapla looked ok, but TTÜ was weak.
kalev vs girona
Girona team was the strongest team I had an oportunity to watch this season. Marc Gasol, Fucka, Bagaric, Salenga, Ariel Mcdonald and others...
mini basketball in tartu
My team's first games in Estonian Minibasketball Championships were held in Tartu. Played 5 games in two days.
tlü vs minsk 2006
Women's Baltic League game. Choosed very bad seats and blew most of the photos.
kurgjärve laagriplats
TÜG skiingtrip in Kurgjärve. Tried my new Canon 350d in harsh weather conditions and enjoyed skiing, sauna and swimming in a icehole.
kalev vs atletas
Baltic League game, Kalev was terrific. Good game to start my sports photography hobby.