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Siddharth Patel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Holiday in Vietnam in 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Holiday in Vietnam in 2007

Having canceled our vacation to Myanmar due to protests, we decided that Vietnam would be a good alternative, as the country is very well geared for tourism. My wife and I were very surprised with Vietnam, especially the people, a very proud people who work very hard and are eager to welcome new comers.
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Tu Doc Mausaoleum Butterfly
Tu Doc Mausaoleum Butterfly
Large Butterfly Hue
Large Butterfly Hue
Serenade Cafe
Serenade Cafe
Hoi An Market
Hoi An Market
Yui, Serenade Cafe, Hoi An
Yui, Serenade Cafe, Hoi An
Dalat Bridge
Dalat Bridge
Dalat River
Dalat River
Dalat Fields
Dalat Fields
Dalat Pine Resin Harvesting
Dalat Pine Resin Harvesting
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