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Fay Stout | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Sky's the Limit tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Sky's the Limit

One of the most valuable things I have learned since posting photos to Pbase, is to keep shooting... even when you may think there is not enough light, and these may well be some of your favorite images.

There is a Pbase artist who I greatly admire for his beautiful landscapes as well as his sunrise and sunset shots. It is he who has inspired me to keep shooting! Thank you, Gordon!

Please visit:

Tell Gordon I said "hi", and I know he would appreciate a comment on his galleries.

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The forgotten chair by the lake...
The forgotten chair by the lake...
g1/40/855740/3/116096329.6a1IMBUF.jpg You can never chase a sunset!
You can never chase a sunset!
Day is done...
Day is done...
Sky on fire...
Sky on fire...
g1/40/855740/3/110749113.tJjLIqcR.jpg The  Harbor at Rockwall
The Harbor at Rockwall
g1/40/855740/3/111070372.5reV58YG.jpg g1/40/855740/3/117021773.OjkcwXpx.jpg g1/40/855740/3/117028333.x0Gzx6FN.jpg g1/40/855740/3/117028488.wJnY0RRQ.jpg
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