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Rockwall Farmer's Market 2012-2013

The Rockwall Farmer's Market 2012-2013
(On the square in Rockwall, Texas)

Join me and my little black pug, Mollie Sue, as we shop the market every Saturday morning from 8-12.

Meet the vendors and buy some fresh veggies, breads, jams, pies, and more!
You will be delighted with what this market has to offer. I will include some recipes using the market produce.
To visit "My Recipe Box", please go to:
I have over 200 recipes with photos for your use.

And as always... there will be dogs for adoption from Rockwall Pets.
To read more about these animals needing homes, go to:
Please help to make Rockwall a "no kill" community. If you can foster a pet until a home is found, please contact them!

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Crazy Rick!
Crazy Rick!
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g4/40/855740/3/144477932.ivEBEvK0.jpg Sweet and juicy...
Sweet and juicy...
Meet Mark and Alyssa...
Meet Mark and Alyssa...
Southwest Quinoa Salad
Southwest Quinoa Salad
A cold drink of water and a fan for the doggie!
A cold drink of water and a fan for the doggie!
Thanks Bob for being so kind to Mollie!
Thanks Bob for being so kind to Mollie!
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