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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2016... A Year of Change > The Butterfly That Could Not Fly
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The Butterfly That Could Not Fly

I recently rescued a little butterfly that could not fly.
It was a Gulf Fritillary butterfly that had very tattered and torn wings and one wing was folded over.
There was no way he could even reach the flowers to feed and I found him on the stone walkway of my little garden.
I did not want him to end up as prey for a lizard of a bird, so I fixed a large terrarium with leaves, sticks and fresh flowers each morning.
This would be his new protective home.

I would lift him on my finger and he loved the nectar from the lantana the best.

Sadly he died a couple days ago. I had become so attached to that little butterfly and hoped he would live longer. I believe they only live about 4 weeks... not nearly long enough!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/800s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos20-Oct-2016 13:41
This also is a lovely photo and a very touching story. You are right, in the wild some butterflies (and other insects) live a very brief life. At least you helped this little one have some life. V
Martin Lamoon19-Oct-2016 17:50
It is wonderful to hear that you tried to help this butterfly.
A fine photograph.v
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