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Soybean, Arugula and Feta Salad

This is probably one of the most refreshing and satisfying salads I have eaten in a long time and is quick and easy to prepare.
I really do like soybeans and they are excellent paired with arugula and feta cheese.
The original recipe was from the book Gorgeous Greens by Annie Bell and called for fava beans rather than the soy beans.

Juice of half a LEMON
SEA SALT and freshly ground BLACK PEPPER
3 SCALLIONS, trimmed and finely sliced diagonally
6 Tbsp. coarsely chopped FLAT-LEAF PARSLEY
7 ounces FETA CHEESE, crumbled

Follow package directions and cook frozen soybeans in the microwave.
Toss the soybeans with 6 Tbsp. olive oil and the lemon juice, salt and pepper and set aside to cool.

Once the soybeans have cooled, toss in the scallions and 2/3 of the parsley.
Serve on a bed of arugula with an extra drizzle of olive oil and top with the crumbled feta.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/20s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Buba Jafarli13-Dec-2013 17:26
Made this salad today... It's delicious! Thank you for the great recipe and lovely photo, Fay! V.
LynnH08-Nov-2013 22:18
I do love soybeans too. I'm so glad to find them shucked and frozen in our grocery store nowadays. Salad sounds delicious!
Isabel Cutler08-Nov-2013 17:18
Are those soybeans or edamame? I recently sprouted soybeans for cooking and found I didn't like the taste - I much prefer sprouts from mung beans, which are smaller. Edamame I really like just as they are. This looks very refreshing! I have frozen edamame, goat cheese and lemon in the house and still have parsley which has moved from the deck to the garage. It's a go! Thanks for sharing.
Chris08-Nov-2013 15:26
I'm going to have to stop looking at your food page! Too delicious by half!
borisalex08-Nov-2013 11:39
Great looking salad and so good photo! V.
Martin Lamoon08-Nov-2013 09:44
A quick meal! An interesting Microwave meal!
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