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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Recipe Box > Tortellini with Prosciutto and Peas
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Tortellini with Prosciutto and Peas

My husband is the pasta maker in the house.
He makes a variety of pasta dishes and it is hard to choose which is the best.
Pasta is so versatile and makes for an inexpensive and filling meal.
I cannot imagine living life without pasta. It is worth every calorie and carb!

This is one of our favorites...

1/4 cup WATER, reserved from cooking pasta
2 Tbsp. BUTTER
2 cloves GARLIC, minced
1/4 lb. PROSCIUTTO, sliced into thin strips
1 pinch NUTMEG
1/4 c. PARMESAN CHEESE, freshly grated
3/4 c. frozen BABY PEAS, thawed
SALT and PEPPER, to taste

Cook tortellini according to package directions and drain, saving 1/4 c. of the cooking water.

Melt butter in skillet and cook garlic for 1 minute.
Add heavy cream and nutmeg, and bring to a simmer.

Cook until cream is thickened and reduced by half.

Stir in Parmesan cheese and peas.

Serve with additional Parmesan cheese, if desired.

Stir in reserved pasta water and tortellini and toss to coat.

Season to taste with salt and pepper.

other sizes: small medium large auto
Stephanie10-Jan-2011 21:55
Yummy!!! I love pasta too! :)
Roland10-Jan-2011 20:12
I have gained 5 pounds just reading the ingredients:) A very inviting image.
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