Delivering nursing care is always based on priorities, and is a fine balancing act.
Time management is essential and it must be accomplished as you tend to your patient's most basic needs. Let me tell you about my typical day...
My day begins at 05:45AM when I receive report from the night nurse on the patients assigned to my care. I will learn the diagnosis, history, allergies, and why they came into the hospital. We will review the doctors on the case as well as the physical assessment, vital signs, intake and output, lab results taking special note of abnormal labs and will review current treatments. We will also review all medications the patient is on as well as their response to the medications. Any tests or procedures to be done will be noted as well as preparation if needed for surgery. We review all the previous shift's orders and document that we have indeed reviewed and understand them. We visualize all special intravenous drips and calculations to confirm accuracy based on the specific orders, and check all ventilator settings for accuracy. We also discuss the patient's support system and possible need for social services or physical therapy to become involved. At this point I can make a plan for how best to care for these patients. It is now about 06:30 and I must do my physical assessments before the doctors make rounds.
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