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Chef Lucas and Lala Bake Cookies

The most precious thing we can give our grandbabies (and our children) is our time. Teach them a new skill. Make it fun and praise them for a job well done. Fantastic for self esteem and makes for special memories. Lucas and I will be cooking together frequently and hope to make the baking of Christmas cookies an annual tradition. And of course he will take them home to share with his family and will save a few for Santa...
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Get your stool and let's start cooking!
Get your stool and let's start cooking!
Add some vanilla and beat well.
Add some vanilla and beat well.
And now for the flour...
And now for the flour...
This is messy Lala!
"This is messy Lala!"
Messy but good!
Messy but good!
Now which one shall we make first?
Now which one shall we make first?
The Christmas tree of course!
The Christmas tree of course!
I see you Lala!
"I see you Lala!"
This is fun!
"This is fun!"
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