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52 Week Challenge 2021

Another year of a photo-a-week begins in 2021 in the Rowlett Photo Club.
I am up for a photo-a-week, but a photo-a-day is just too much!
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Thank you Barbara!
Thank you Barbara!
A Special Pillow for Me
A Special Pillow for Me
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
If you have never tried farro... give it a try.
If you have never tried farro... give it a try.
Best Friends
Best Friends
Good Morning B.J.!
Good Morning B.J.!
Mrs. Cardinal Gets a Handout of Seed
Mrs. Cardinal Gets a Handout of Seed
Medusa and the Dove
Medusa and the Dove
I got a sticker!
I got a sticker!
Lizards Make Me Happy!
Lizards Make Me Happy!
Nap Time
Nap Time
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