It was the day after Christmas, 2015 when a tornado struck and we lost our home of 28 years and many of our belongings that held so many fond memories. We survived the storm with our two dogs by hunkering down in our master bedroom closet and were astounded that in a matter of no more than 15 seconds, our home was destroyed. And then... exactly 28 years from the date we moved in, to the day, our house was demolished.
We are both in our 70's now, and the thoughts of rebuilding was more than we could handle. The builders did not want to build anything under $250,000 even though I simply wanted a one-story simple home on our little plot of land. They suggested that it is a great time to get a mortgage! Excuse me... but at this time in my life, I do not want debt and we have been debt free for many years.
So... we have bought a little "cottage" as we try to simplify our lives and expenses and strive to adapt. There are good days and bad days. It is not easy. It seems that the tornado just keeps on "giving" in so many ways!
I find that I am happiest with a camera in my hands as it takes me to a better place and I momentarily forget about my list of "to do" items. I have a small flower garden in my tiny back yard that I splurged and had dug and amended so I can grow flowers in hopes of attracting birds and butterflies in my little suburban garden. I desperately need to connect with nature.
2016 will definitely be a time of transition in so many ways.